What happened to men?

May 27, 2017
Not even on some macho steeze. Just some observation I've been making out in public. Have men lost their dignity to the point they're letting women walk all over them? It's crazy how I have to check women and their aggressive tone on a frequent basis these days. Like I don't know how you talk to your man at home like a pet but don't come at me that way in public. Been noticing this in women of all shades white, black, yellow, purple, green, etc in the NYC area.
Everything that was once considered manly has been demonized. Women are undermining themselves. The next wave will be women making the same observations: "why don't men act like men" answer: bc y'all publicly calling them creeps for the smallest thing and they're getting locked up and losing their careers. They want men to be bold... But only the exact 3 men that she likes. The rest will be reported. It's almost like people have too much of a platform these days.
it’s called equality brah

Do u live in a pineapple under the sea?

Getting all walked over ain’t equality fam. That’s part of the problem, folks act like they can’t comprehend balance. We’re not making things equal, we’re just bending over for women. I don’t have that problem at all, but I can tell women are pushing men to be more manly, take the lead ect. I think #metoo got dudes spooked. What men need to realize is that #metoo don’t pertain to us normies. A woman isn’t going to ruin your life because you showed a little backbone. Also, I think, like the chicken sandwich Fomo comes into play.
Maybe they don't care. Conserve your energy and let your woman vent. They're emotional creatures.

I had to tell a dude the other day in the grocery store line to chill out because he checked his woman over some clothes she was buying and when she tried to plead her case he suppressed her. Last I checked we had freedom of speech in this country.
Behind closed doors you can do what you want, but in public... in front of me and everyone else... I have an issue with that. Makes me uncomfortable.
Dude just mean mugged me for a few seconds and then transitioned to a sad puppy dog because he knew I'd run his head through the scanner like a ripe pineapple.
Don't think you can talk to women however you want in public. Be a man and don't let her get to you.
Social media changed everything...and not for the better.

Constant criticism or spotlight on people 24-7 makes everyone show the most bland version of themselves to not be ostracized or demonized. But that’s mostly just for their online versions. Men aren’t wilding out making sexist jokes on their Myspaces anymore.

But in actual reality most men still act like men and most women still act like women. It’s like two different worlds online and in reality. Woman i work with / am around still wait for the man to lead in most situations. Only difference is that if women want to lead now they aren’t shut down and are given a chance. And that’s a good thing.

Don’t let the extremes of a few individuals reshape your perspective. It’s like banning all gun ownership because a few psychopaths use them. It’s a slippery slope of being overly reactive.
:lol: @ the fact “today’s man” won’t even respond to this topic.
Meh I’m not arguing with my woman or home girl in public granted I can’t see them yelling at me in public but naw.

Chick start arguing with me in public I’ll probably just slide. You look more like a bird arguing and yelling at a chick in the spot imo
Not so much arguing. Just an aggressive confrontational tone some of these women have towards men because they made bad life choices in the past. So now they view all men as the same
I wanna say something but you know how it is.
lets just say there's truth to certain dudes being creeps but there's truth to the suppression and silencing of others and truth to some ppl feeling emboldened from media on and offline.
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