Too Much Exercise Can Kill White Men, Scientists Find

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Jan 11, 2013
Too Much Exercise Can Kill White Men, Scientists Find

If you have ever needed an excuse to get out of exercising, science may have your back.

That’s because research has revealed that white men who work out at least 7.5 hours a week are nearly twice as likely to suffer from heart disease.

That is compared to those who exercise a moderate amount so you may want to cancel those gym plans tonight.


The study, which was conducted by a team of scientists from the University of Illinois in Chicago and Kaiser Permanente, looked at exercise patterns over the course of 25 years surveying 3,175 people.

They found very active white men are 86 per cent more likely to have a build-up of plaque in their heart arteries by the time they reached middle age.

But this was not the case for black men.


The high levels of exercise over time puts stress on the arteries and can lead to what is called CAC, higher coronary artery calcification.

This is a warning sign that you may be at risk of developing heart disease and may need to consider early preventive care.

But that doesn’t mean you should put down the weights yet…


Study co-author Dr Jamal Rana, a cardiologist at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland said:

High levels of exercise over time may cause stress on the arteries leading to higher CAC.

However this plaque buildup may well be of the more stable kind, and thus less likely to rupture and causes heart attack, which was not evaluated in this study.

It does not suggest that anyone should stop exercising.

Damn it!


These people were split into three groups based on their physical activity patterns.

Group one exercised below the national guidelines of less than 150 minutes a week, group two met these guidelines and group three exercised three times above the national guidelines, over 450 minutes a week.

Those in the last group were 27 per cent more likely than those in the first group to develop CAC by middle age.


The study also found that white men were at the highest risk being 86 per cent more likely to have CAC.

There were no higher odds of CAC for black participants in group three.

Although there was a similar trend for white women, it was not statistically significant.

thoughts? :nerd:
Furthermore, the lack of association of trajectory class with CAC in black participants may have been due to small sample sizes because very few black individuals were in the exceeded PA guidelines trajectory group.
Didn't even read the article but the title of the post has me convinced that these race threads have finally lost all semblance of chill
funny how these types of threads show the true colors of people. OP was short circuiting while attempting to create this thread.
As someone that done academic research, no kind of solid conclusion can be made from one article, especially given their findings.

As black man, I don't see what kind of constructive discussion and be had as this, especially regarding race. And I would hope no one thinks that it is a opportunity to pedal some genetic inferiority talking point. Because that would be racist.

I really don't see the point of making this thread.
Was planning on using this as evidence to my wife that I shouldn’t go to the gym, but then NT came through with logic #almost #OPknewwhathewasdoing
As someone that done academic research, no kind of solid conclusion can be made from one article, especially given their findings.

As black man, I don't see what kind of constructive discussion and be had as this, especially regarding race. And I would hope no one thinks that it is a opportunity to pedal some genetic inferiority talking point. Because that would be racist.

I really don't see the point of making this thread.

Even if so, minorities can't be racist. We can be prejudice or be racially stereotypical but not racist.

Nonetheless, the article is deeply flawed and has so many holes in its hypothesis and actual findings.

Maybe it's the conspiracy theorist in me, but I feel like these articles are flares to Spark up that fear of dwindling white superiority in America, and serve to enrage the "base" enough to try everything in there power to keep "control".
Lol wut

So another minority calling me racial slurs isnt a racist?

**** outta here with that BS
Even if so, minorities can't be racist. We can be prejudice or be racially stereotypical but not racist.
Note that I am a white male but I would disagree with this, though I think we just disagree on the semantics.
I believe that anyone can be racist and engage in racist behavior, however only those with power and privilege can apply that racism and translate it into systematic racism/discrimination. Which is what racist whites do. Due to the system of white supremacy, any white person who engages in racism in any form plays into this system and that behavior furthers that agenda of systematic oppression against minorities.
That is not the case when a minority engages in racist behavior; they have no system of (race) supremacy to back them up, grant them privilege and force systematic oppression on others.
If a minority for example uses racial slurs to disparage African-Americans and/or sees them as inferior, I would think that is pretty damn racist. It just carries far less impact on society than a white person doing so due to the system of white supremacy.
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