300 Posts And 3 Month Membership Required to Create Classified Listings.

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2007
In analyzing recent abuses of our buy/sell forums, it has become clear to our team that the vast majority of fraudulent activity has been attempted by new users.


ONLY users who've been NikeTalk members for over three months AND have contributed over 300 posts may create listings in our buy/sell forums.

All new users must wait until they've met these criteria before they will be eligible to add listings. Until then, your posts will NOT be accepted by our system or approved by our buy/sell staff.

This does mean that some of you who were able to post to these forums yesterday can no longer do so until you've met the new criteria. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may generate, but we feel it's in the best interest of the community as a whole. We will NOT make exceptions to this policy - so don't write in begging us to approve your thread (let alone asking us WHY we won't approve your thread) if you've been here less than three months AND have accumulated less than 300 posts.

How does this policy benefit you?

Obviously this policy is intended to weed out any criminals looking for a quick score by deceiving inexperienced members. Further reducing fraud can help increase buyer confidence, resulting in more interest in your legitimate listings.

NikeTalk's buy/sell forums exist to serve genuine NikeTalk members - those actually interested in participating in the NikeTalk community. Those signing up for NikeTalk accounts just to try and make a buck off our members should look elsewhere.

We're hopeful that this new policy will expedite approval times since our buy/sell guides will now have fewer posts to approve. Depending on how consistent you all are in following the rules, we MAY consider using these new posting restrictions INSTEAD of the current approval system - but that will only happen if the overwhelming majority of your listings fully comply with our buy/sell forum rules.

Interested buyers who fail to meet the new criteria may still contact sellers via private message if they wish - but you cannot create listings until you've earned the necessary credentials, as explained above.

One final word of warning:

DO NOT start creating a bunch of useless posts to try and hit 300 as fast as possible. First of all, even if you post 300 times in one week, you'll still need to wait the full 3 months before you can create listings. Second, if we catch people spamming the forums with worthless posts simply to increase their post count, those users will be BANNED and will have to start all over again from scratch - IF their new accounts are approved.

Plan to spread your posts out over your 3 month introduction to NikeTalk.
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