2 broke girls

Usually I'll give any show a shot with fine females on there, but not even Kat Dennings can make me watch that :lol:
I gave it a genuine try just to see if it's funny, there's only so many CBS shows I watch to begin with. I know many watch this show just for Kat but I ended up wanting to bang the blonde chick more than her after a few eps. I don't watch this anymore though. Just not funny to me.
I watched it up until the 11th episode or so. It was an episode from start to end about girl farting and vagina blood. I don't need that nonsense in my prime time television!
The delivery of the lines is just so damned bad. Kat is one of the worst actresses of all time on a sitcom.
I watched it up until the 11th episode or so. It was an episode from start to end about girl farting and vagina blood. I don't need that nonsense in my prime time television!
The delivery of the lines is just so damned bad. Kat is one of the worst actresses of all time on a sitcom.

lol what....
I watched midway through season 1 enjoyed it then got bored with it. It started to get annoying.

I like New Girl and Modern Family.
the show is terrible. the punchline comedy is just not for me but everyone be watching cbs so it gets good ratings. I like Kat Dennings but i think her character in this is terrible, every word she spits out is dripping with sarcasm. also, everyone else on the show is not much better and just are stereotypical caricatures (jive old black guy, cheap broken engrish asian diner owner, over sexed cougar, etc..)
I actually tried watching it tonight but even with Kat Dennings :evil: in it I couldnt even sit through just 30 mins
All I can do is stare at Kat's puppies and I just look around the room like "does anyone else see this?!"
show is terrible and kat doesn't even show them off enough to watch
I don't know man, I only saw one episode and it was this:

It's an awful show...downright vile.

It's still better than The Big Bang Theory though.
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