1/30/2011 WWE Royal Rumble - Alberto Del Rio Wins the Royal Rumble - dnycemodel Wins the NTWT Pool

Oct 15, 2000


Last week was a mixed bag on Raw.  I won't spend too much time since it's getting late.  Tonight is the go home show for the Royal Rumble PPV this Sunday.  As of right now, there are only three matches:
  • Miz (c) vs Randy Orton - WWE Championship Match
  • Edge (c) vs Dolph Ziggler - World Heavyweight Championship Match
  • The 40 Man Royal Rumble Match
I would think we may get one or two more matches for the show, whether they're announced ahead of time or not.  Most likely would be Daniel Bryan vs John Morrison (Bellas on a Pole match?), Santino/Kozlov vs The Usos, or a Divas Title match.

The big things from last week's Raw:
Cena started out the show with what has become his typical "comedy" promo where he made lame jokes and talked about poopy.  The Miz interrupted him telling Cena that whoever wins the Rumble better challenge the Smackdown champion because they weren't going to beat The Miz.  Cena of course turned this into a joke, saying that was a good idea because Cena vs Miz doesn't sound like a WrestleMania main event.  Great job burying your champion.  The Nexus then came out, and the match was made of Cena vs Punk for later in the night, and if any of The Nexus interfered, they would be out of the Rumble.

Randy Orton defeated Dolph Ziggler clean in a #1 Contender vs #1 Contender match.  This made absolutely no sense to me.  First, why put these two against each other to begin with?  It's not like Ziggler is bumping the ratings, and of course there was no build to the match anyway.  Second, Ziggler needs to be built as a credible contender so much more than Orton, so for him to be beat clean makes him look like a non-threat against Edge.  Both of these guys should have been in squash matches last week and this week to build them up.  Orton couldn't have buried R-Truth?  It's just dumb booking, and adds to the trend that has been going on for years and years of never fully getting behind young talent allowing them to break through.

After the match, The Miz (with Alex Riley) laid out Randy Orton and gave him a serious beat down.  This is the first time I can remember them making The Miz look like a serious champion.  It's about time because the "undeserving champion" role doesn't do anyone any favors.  It would really be nice if The Miz could get a clean win in the middle of the ring against Orton on Sunday.

John Morrison beat Daniel Bryan in a very quick match that had a commercial break go through the middle.  It was a good match, but rushed, and we saw more commercials than match.  After the match, we saw The Bellas backstage talking about how hot John Morrison was, and then talking about taking Daniel Bryan's virginity.  If this was legit, Bryan would be the luckiest man on earth, but since it's not, I feel so bad that he's in this stupid program.

Cena and Punk had a great main event.  I thought it was a huge mistake having these guys go for nearly 15 minutes on a free show, but it turned out to be a great segment.  The end came when Cena was in control.  Then a mystery man, Mason Ryan, ran onto the ring apron.  He kicked off security.  Cena was distracted, and Punk kicked him in the head.  Ryan then got into the ring.  Punk offered himself up, and Ryan booted him in the face.  This spot was meant to be announced as Cena being DQ'ed with Punk getting the win, but apparently Justin Roberts missed his spot to announce the finish.  Ryan then hit his finisher on Cena which is essentially the Side Effect which is a hilarious rib at Fatt Hardy.  Punk got down on one knee and presented Ryan with a Nexus arm band.  Ryan has a great look, but is very, very, very green.  It will be very interesting to see how they use him, and if he'll even be called Mason Ryan.

The biggest negative for me was an impromptu jobber Royal Rumble.  Ted Dibiase Jr was at ringside yelling how no one believed he would win the Rumble (true).  He challenged anyone in the back to an over the top rope challenge.  Of course, Mark Henry came out.   Then just about every other jobber (including R-Truth) hit the ring and they had a battle royal.  Once everyone was almost out, Sheamus hit the ring.  Of course he was going to get the win, and look strong.  Well, actually, he was dumped by Mark Henry in about 20 seconds.  Yes, Mark Henry was put over here.  Sheamus has become a complete joke since winning The King of the Ring.  Between his silly costumes, stronger than every stereotypical accent, and continued losing streak, he is becoming a very, very bad cartoon character.    Oh yeah, Ted Dibiase got tossed in about 10 seconds.

Putting these jobbers in a battle royal does nothing to sell The Rumble, and only points out to fans how few legitimate contenders there actually are for the match.

Beth Phoenix vs Melina for the title has been announced for tonight.

And in a completely throw away match which goes to illustrate how meaningless the titles are, WWE Champion The Miz will face off against World Heavyweight Champion Edge.  This match was mentioned in passing last week, with the announcers making no effort to put it over as anything special.  I have to expect that Orton and Ziggler get involved somehow, probably leading to a Miz/Ziggler vs Edge/Orton tag match on Smackdown.  Especially because there have been rumors of a reuniting of team Rated RKO.


Last week was a mixed bag on Raw.  I won't spend too much time since it's getting late.  Tonight is the go home show for the Royal Rumble PPV this Sunday.  As of right now, there are only three matches:
  • Miz (c) vs Randy Orton - WWE Championship Match
  • Edge (c) vs Dolph Ziggler - World Heavyweight Championship Match
  • The 40 Man Royal Rumble Match
I would think we may get one or two more matches for the show, whether they're announced ahead of time or not.  Most likely would be Daniel Bryan vs John Morrison (Bellas on a Pole match?), Santino/Kozlov vs The Usos, or a Divas Title match.

The big things from last week's Raw:
Cena started out the show with what has become his typical "comedy" promo where he made lame jokes and talked about poopy.  The Miz interrupted him telling Cena that whoever wins the Rumble better challenge the Smackdown champion because they weren't going to beat The Miz.  Cena of course turned this into a joke, saying that was a good idea because Cena vs Miz doesn't sound like a WrestleMania main event.  Great job burying your champion.  The Nexus then came out, and the match was made of Cena vs Punk for later in the night, and if any of The Nexus interfered, they would be out of the Rumble.

Randy Orton defeated Dolph Ziggler clean in a #1 Contender vs #1 Contender match.  This made absolutely no sense to me.  First, why put these two against each other to begin with?  It's not like Ziggler is bumping the ratings, and of course there was no build to the match anyway.  Second, Ziggler needs to be built as a credible contender so much more than Orton, so for him to be beat clean makes him look like a non-threat against Edge.  Both of these guys should have been in squash matches last week and this week to build them up.  Orton couldn't have buried R-Truth?  It's just dumb booking, and adds to the trend that has been going on for years and years of never fully getting behind young talent allowing them to break through.

After the match, The Miz (with Alex Riley) laid out Randy Orton and gave him a serious beat down.  This is the first time I can remember them making The Miz look like a serious champion.  It's about time because the "undeserving champion" role doesn't do anyone any favors.  It would really be nice if The Miz could get a clean win in the middle of the ring against Orton on Sunday.

John Morrison beat Daniel Bryan in a very quick match that had a commercial break go through the middle.  It was a good match, but rushed, and we saw more commercials than match.  After the match, we saw The Bellas backstage talking about how hot John Morrison was, and then talking about taking Daniel Bryan's virginity.  If this was legit, Bryan would be the luckiest man on earth, but since it's not, I feel so bad that he's in this stupid program.

Cena and Punk had a great main event.  I thought it was a huge mistake having these guys go for nearly 15 minutes on a free show, but it turned out to be a great segment.  The end came when Cena was in control.  Then a mystery man, Mason Ryan, ran onto the ring apron.  He kicked off security.  Cena was distracted, and Punk kicked him in the head.  Ryan then got into the ring.  Punk offered himself up, and Ryan booted him in the face.  This spot was meant to be announced as Cena being DQ'ed with Punk getting the win, but apparently Justin Roberts missed his spot to announce the finish.  Ryan then hit his finisher on Cena which is essentially the Side Effect which is a hilarious rib at Fatt Hardy.  Punk got down on one knee and presented Ryan with a Nexus arm band.  Ryan has a great look, but is very, very, very green.  It will be very interesting to see how they use him, and if he'll even be called Mason Ryan.

The biggest negative for me was an impromptu jobber Royal Rumble.  Ted Dibiase Jr was at ringside yelling how no one believed he would win the Rumble (true).  He challenged anyone in the back to an over the top rope challenge.  Of course, Mark Henry came out.   Then just about every other jobber (including R-Truth) hit the ring and they had a battle royal.  Once everyone was almost out, Sheamus hit the ring.  Of course he was going to get the win, and look strong.  Well, actually, he was dumped by Mark Henry in about 20 seconds.  Yes, Mark Henry was put over here.  Sheamus has become a complete joke since winning The King of the Ring.  Between his silly costumes, stronger than every stereotypical accent, and continued losing streak, he is becoming a very, very bad cartoon character.    Oh yeah, Ted Dibiase got tossed in about 10 seconds.

Putting these jobbers in a battle royal does nothing to sell The Rumble, and only points out to fans how few legitimate contenders there actually are for the match.

Beth Phoenix vs Melina for the title has been announced for tonight.

And in a completely throw away match which goes to illustrate how meaningless the titles are, WWE Champion The Miz will face off against World Heavyweight Champion Edge.  This match was mentioned in passing last week, with the announcers making no effort to put it over as anything special.  I have to expect that Orton and Ziggler get involved somehow, probably leading to a Miz/Ziggler vs Edge/Orton tag match on Smackdown.  Especially because there have been rumors of a reuniting of team Rated RKO.
I can only hope that Clonetista is not as bad in the ring as his predecessor. If he is, he better be able to pull off the a-hole routine as brilliantly as Dave going into last year's WM.
I can only hope that Clonetista is not as bad in the ring as his predecessor. If he is, he better be able to pull off the a-hole routine as brilliantly as Dave going into last year's WM.
John Piermarini, a WWE writer from early 2009 to late 2010, posted a blog detailing many storylines from WWE.  The blog has mysteriously been pulled, but here are many of the key points:

* Vince McMahon feels that powerhouse Skip Sheffield could become a top babyface behind John Cena.

* Michelle McCool's real-life relationship with The Undertaker was in no way the reason behind her push with Lay-Cool.

* There were plans to turn Christian heel before his pectoral injury. The idea was that he would feud with the now departed Matt Hardy.

* On the Uso's WWE introduction and promo, Vince McMahon didn't understand the hip hop culture and the appeal of the tag-team. The original idea for the Uso's was to present them as the opposite of what you would expect from a Samoan superstar - intelligent, educated and wearing boots while competing.

* The storyline between Daniel Bryan and The Bella Twins was actually first pitched by The Bella's. WWE has planned to run with a similar storyline for Evan Bourne before he was injured.

* There was talk that Drew McIntyre would be the man to take out the Undertaker before it was changed to Nexus.

* On the Undertaker, the plan right now is for him to wrestle Wade Barrett at WrestleMania 27, but of course this could change.

* "As much as it seems Christian turns into the fan favorite choice to win Money in the Bank Match each year it’s not going to happen. Christian is seen as a good hand that can help some of the younger talent and does not have a lot of support from higher ups to be a Main Event guy. Edge vs. Christian as a Main Event program has been pitched to death and rejected every time."

"Before Christian was injured a story was being developed to turn Christian heel and work a program with Matt Hardy. The seeds were being dropped on Smackdown at the time Christian was injured."

* "Walking into the arena that day Drew McIntyre was set to win the Money in the Bank briefcase. But Drew wasn’t the Superstar who was originally set to win. That was Kane, but was changed later after Kevin Dunn agreed with my philosophy that it would benefit a younger guy to carry that briefcase for a while. So it was set one week before the Pay-Per-View, Drew was to win Money in the Bank. While in the production meeting hours before the show a case was made to have Kane win the briefcase and cash in that night. The thought process? Sheamus was retaining the WWE Title; Miz was winning the RAW Money in the Bank (more on this later) and certain people felt like the average fan would have the feeling too many heels won. Keep in mind Kane would turn heel by defeating one of the most popular WWE Superstars in WWE by cashing in. None to less, the feeling was that this was the first ever Money in the Bank PPV and something needed to happen to brand this PPV as 'anything can happen.' I gave the argument that the current storyline had Kane wanting to capture the holy grail for his brother and by doing so tonight took away any future story you had with Kane trying to take it off a someone who may have 'took out' Undertaker. I added Kane should challenge Mysterio at Summerslam and go over there."

* "Vince’s philosophy on Daniel Bryan is he isn’t an %%% kicker but he can beat you because he can capitalize on your mistakes. In this instance, it works. On the other hand Vince thinks John Morrison can’t kick anyone’s %%% in a real fight therefore he can’t be a top babyface. Morrison has the chance to take the ball and run with it, but he is running uphill."

Very, very, very, interesting stuff.
John Piermarini, a WWE writer from early 2009 to late 2010, posted a blog detailing many storylines from WWE.  The blog has mysteriously been pulled, but here are many of the key points:

* Vince McMahon feels that powerhouse Skip Sheffield could become a top babyface behind John Cena.

* Michelle McCool's real-life relationship with The Undertaker was in no way the reason behind her push with Lay-Cool.

* There were plans to turn Christian heel before his pectoral injury. The idea was that he would feud with the now departed Matt Hardy.

* On the Uso's WWE introduction and promo, Vince McMahon didn't understand the hip hop culture and the appeal of the tag-team. The original idea for the Uso's was to present them as the opposite of what you would expect from a Samoan superstar - intelligent, educated and wearing boots while competing.

* The storyline between Daniel Bryan and The Bella Twins was actually first pitched by The Bella's. WWE has planned to run with a similar storyline for Evan Bourne before he was injured.

* There was talk that Drew McIntyre would be the man to take out the Undertaker before it was changed to Nexus.

* On the Undertaker, the plan right now is for him to wrestle Wade Barrett at WrestleMania 27, but of course this could change.

* "As much as it seems Christian turns into the fan favorite choice to win Money in the Bank Match each year it’s not going to happen. Christian is seen as a good hand that can help some of the younger talent and does not have a lot of support from higher ups to be a Main Event guy. Edge vs. Christian as a Main Event program has been pitched to death and rejected every time."

"Before Christian was injured a story was being developed to turn Christian heel and work a program with Matt Hardy. The seeds were being dropped on Smackdown at the time Christian was injured."

* "Walking into the arena that day Drew McIntyre was set to win the Money in the Bank briefcase. But Drew wasn’t the Superstar who was originally set to win. That was Kane, but was changed later after Kevin Dunn agreed with my philosophy that it would benefit a younger guy to carry that briefcase for a while. So it was set one week before the Pay-Per-View, Drew was to win Money in the Bank. While in the production meeting hours before the show a case was made to have Kane win the briefcase and cash in that night. The thought process? Sheamus was retaining the WWE Title; Miz was winning the RAW Money in the Bank (more on this later) and certain people felt like the average fan would have the feeling too many heels won. Keep in mind Kane would turn heel by defeating one of the most popular WWE Superstars in WWE by cashing in. None to less, the feeling was that this was the first ever Money in the Bank PPV and something needed to happen to brand this PPV as 'anything can happen.' I gave the argument that the current storyline had Kane wanting to capture the holy grail for his brother and by doing so tonight took away any future story you had with Kane trying to take it off a someone who may have 'took out' Undertaker. I added Kane should challenge Mysterio at Summerslam and go over there."

* "Vince’s philosophy on Daniel Bryan is he isn’t an %%% kicker but he can beat you because he can capitalize on your mistakes. In this instance, it works. On the other hand Vince thinks John Morrison can’t kick anyone’s %%% in a real fight therefore he can’t be a top babyface. Morrison has the chance to take the ball and run with it, but he is running uphill."

Very, very, very, interesting stuff.
Just bought tickets to tomorrow nights taping. SD has been pretty good since the new year started.
Just bought tickets to tomorrow nights taping. SD has been pretty good since the new year started.
Few more bits of news:

--There are some Smackdown guys backstage at Raw this afternoon.  Not necessarily significant although a lot of speculation of Dolph Ziggler getting involved in the Edge vs. Miz finish tonight, and Alberto Del Rio has been a regular on the show.  The show was being rewritten this morning.

--Bret Hart was on Live Audio Wrestling last night to promote an appearance for the March of Dimes in Canada.  He said if he was asked, he would induct Shawn Michaels into the Hall of Fame and would be happy to do so.  Regarding WWE, he said right now he was in limbo, and he was not expecting to be in Mania, but he could get a call any time and would be happy to do it.  He said last year was fun, and brought up winning the U.S. title in Toronto.  Interview is at http://lawradio.podbean.com/feed

--A story and photo of Kurt Angle and daughter is at http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam...2011/01/24/17008291.html

Kurt has said that his wife, Giovanna, is doing much better, although at last word was still hospitalized.  He apologized to fans in Europe regarding missing dates and that his daughter is doing great.  He also thanked Dixie Carter and TNA for letting him off the tour.
Few more bits of news:

--There are some Smackdown guys backstage at Raw this afternoon.  Not necessarily significant although a lot of speculation of Dolph Ziggler getting involved in the Edge vs. Miz finish tonight, and Alberto Del Rio has been a regular on the show.  The show was being rewritten this morning.

--Bret Hart was on Live Audio Wrestling last night to promote an appearance for the March of Dimes in Canada.  He said if he was asked, he would induct Shawn Michaels into the Hall of Fame and would be happy to do so.  Regarding WWE, he said right now he was in limbo, and he was not expecting to be in Mania, but he could get a call any time and would be happy to do it.  He said last year was fun, and brought up winning the U.S. title in Toronto.  Interview is at http://lawradio.podbean.com/feed

--A story and photo of Kurt Angle and daughter is at http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam...2011/01/24/17008291.html

Kurt has said that his wife, Giovanna, is doing much better, although at last word was still hospitalized.  He apologized to fans in Europe regarding missing dates and that his daughter is doing great.  He also thanked Dixie Carter and TNA for letting him off the tour.
Had tickets to the rumble but flipped them. I cant see anything major happening that will make me feel sad that I did.
Had tickets to the rumble but flipped them. I cant see anything major happening that will make me feel sad that I did.
Sad thing is, Christian will probably feud with big gut, Bulldog braided Hardy in TNA.

That's if TNA is still around when Christian is future endeavored.
Sad thing is, Christian will probably feud with big gut, Bulldog braided Hardy in TNA.

That's if TNA is still around when Christian is future endeavored.
Damn Zeke. That mic work is lacking to say the least

1st time hearing Corre's music. Horrible.

Put Tarver or Skip in that #!$$$.
Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

waits for gif. of kid with U cant see me sign lol
I peeped that
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