Search results

  1. lolwut

    A degree in Computer Science or CIS(Computer Information Systems)?

    currently pursuing a cs degree. just wanted to give out some advice to others in a similar position: 1) apply for internships immediately (even for your first summer between freshman and sophomore years). You may feel like you don't have the necessary experience to get the position, but you...
  2. lolwut

    Any way to get rid of "Recent Images In This Thread" in threads?

    on a related note, is there any way to get rid of the "featured sponsors" box that you get when you're browsing a subforum? It forces the list of threads to only use up half the screen.  If we can't remove it, can you guys at least fix the CSS so that it at least doesn't mess up other stuff...
  3. lolwut

    nt: school me on external hard drives (trying to back up my music)

    Any reviews on Touro drives? Anybody ever use one?  Also, I've been looking around on Amazon and I'm considering WD:    vs Seagate:  Any opinions on which is a better option? Are both compatible with Macs? Also, how useful is it to have a 1TB drive vs say a 500GB one? I mostly have music +...
  4. lolwut

    The World's Largest Rope Swing vol. white people have balls

    wouldn't the impact in that slip and slide video be painful? the whole time I was watching the video, I thought one of em might fly over the water entirely and hit the ground on the other side 
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