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  1. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Cp3 to spurs? Big time move
  2. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Not that crazy. The clippers nuggets game i went to back in april Russ' energy was nuts coming off the bench. Completely turned the game in their favor, although murray was out. I could see them meshing well. The combined triple doubles would be madness
  3. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    I wanna say the clips are goofin but until their highest paid player can contribute come playoff time might as well let em go
  4. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Lebron put the fate of his career in his own hands. Durant put his in everybody elses :lol:
  5. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    It would have been better if he did it without swearing but that wasn't a bad answer from JJ Still can't stand him
  6. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    It feels like Scottie is long gone. Now he's just Scott
  7. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Yall saying bronny shoulda went to WVU? :smokin
  8. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Yeah probably not a coincidence Jordan's lowest was in 96, one of the best teams ever
  9. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    8 all defensive teams 1 dpoy 2 titles as coach in WNBA, not to mention all the rings. I thought it was ridiculous too when I first heard it but then I checked the resume. Makes sense imo Jrue is a no brainer and I think horford has a shot as well thanks to those back to back titles at Florida...
  10. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Lol coulda sworn the majority in here were happy when JVG and Mark got the boot. Yall were sick of them complaining about this new era or something like that. Now folks finally see what some of us saw when it happened. They got rid of the only thing they did right. Breen should have taken a...
  11. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Luka on some bs all game
  12. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Monster half from tatum
  13. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Get kleber outta there already He's given up like 90% of the points since he's been in
  14. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Your gonna talk hoops to toddlers? I'd wait until at 6 or 7 when they can comprehend the game
  15. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Lol only similarity between lebron and luka is tears. Lebron is still an nba player if he doesnt have the ball all game. Luka isnt
  16. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Silver reversing this one
  17. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    This is getting ridiculous. Boston is up 2-0. They had 4 players last night with 18+ points. Folks want him to score 30 for no reason :lol:
  18. clyde the glide

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    PJ shoulda have dove on that. Instead horford got an open 3
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