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  1. ku de gras

    Updated* Priest Holmes re-injures neck....Will retire on Wednesday :(

    priest was really starting to pick it up again too. i guess he had too much work load forced on him too soon, and as previously stated, was pretty muchguaranteed injury. he still has a lot more going for him though. dude is a true warrior and a real inspiration.
  2. ku de gras

    Vick surrenders to begin serving sentence

    i don't see roger goodell giving dude much sympathy. serving an early sentence is far from making up what he did. it's a start, but he's got a longway to go.
  3. ku de gras

    NFL Week 11 In Review...

    this comment is almost as inane as the taylor being the best defensive player in the league statement. and this is coming from a skins fan.
  4. ku de gras

    NT I got 1.4k... what laptop should I cop?

    it really depends on what you need. if you aren't a hardcore gamer or a media production/graphics designer then i suggest going with something under $1000and saving the rest of your money.
  5. ku de gras

    Admit sports things you were wrong about (vol. FR3SH)

    most recently i thought AP wouldn't break 300 yards or get any touches this year. holy hell did i learn my lesson
  6. ku de gras

    Greatest Athlete Ever

    Lance Armstrong hands down.
  7. ku de gras

    I just found out Dwight Howard is half Asian !

    there ain't no way in hell. if anything, at the very most, i'd say 1/16 samoan.
  8. ku de gras

    Do you lose muscle if you do not workout?

    i think everyone putting you in place should be enough motivation to actually get big
  9. ku de gras

    ::: Philadelphia Eagles @ Washington ******** 11/11 :::

    as previously stated, as long as CP gets his 30+ carries i see this game looking ugly for philly. and it's about time we started seeing some characters
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