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  1. attacktherim

    Anyone here own a Doberman?

    German Shepherd
  2. attacktherim

    Anyone here own a Doberman?

    Be careful of where and who you get it from. A good breeder is often said for 1) Health.(asin later on in life.) 2) Temperment. for a poodle i wouldnt stress it but a Dobe/Rott./German Shep HELL YES. they can kill people. 3) AKC / Papers will be good if you do shows and such but isnt a necessity...
  3. attacktherim

    The official LBJ IV review Post !!!

    Ok I balled in these today adding them to the rotation of Retro XIII's XIX SE's Huarache Elites 6'5/200 G/F **I WENT HALF SZ SMALLER They did not feel heavy when i put them on however they were kinda hard to put on, as soon as i got in wow the comfort and just general solid feeling of them...
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