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  1. super noblekane


    fresh do you really want to make more predictions that backfire?
  2. super noblekane

    If Kobe wins MVP, CP3 is robbed even though I don't like that little low blow punk vol don't lock

    On another note, it disgust me the way the award is given out now.... They might as well change it to Most Valuable Point Guard.... Wheres John Stockton's MVP?
  3. super noblekane

    If Kobe wins MVP, CP3 is robbed even though I don't like that little low blow punk vol don't lock

    the lakers were in first place with kwame brown and without pau gasol.... kwame +#*%$$+ brown... get ur hate outta here
  4. super noblekane

    Mike D'Antoni fired

    i think hes going to the knicks..... he would fit well with the warriors though..... dantoni sucks man... they fired him too late... what if shaq retires?
  5. super noblekane


    smh at some suns fans not wanting dantoni fired. his coaching SUCKS... they lose every year because of him. i dunno why everyone hates the spurs. im a laker fan and the spurs are the only team i wouldnt be mad losing to.... they are a well respected very professionalfranchise
  6. super noblekane


    [brodie]jesus doug would you just shut the #@%@ up already![brodie]
  7. super noblekane

    Celts & Hawks both escape punishment for Game 4 Altercation

    kg wont win the mvp just the chip......
  8. super noblekane

    Celts & Hawks both escape punishment for Game 4 Altercation

    stern is kg's homeboy..... wasnt nothing ever gonna happen to him. its been written already. stern gave the orders...
  9. super noblekane

    Official Sixers vs Pistons Game 5 Post

    they back. this series is done. flip saunders is bumstill though... joe d musta said something to the team....
  10. super noblekane


    i heart hack a shaq. smh at collins and harlan making the broadcast sound like a suns broadcast
  11. super noblekane

    The End of an Era. Dallas Mavericks VS New Orleans Hornets Gm 5 7 EST

    at kadie taking over the thread.... thats bee dress strangely does it for me......
  12. super noblekane

    Official Sixers vs Pistons Game 5 Post

    no they back on. watch....
  13. super noblekane

    Official Sixers vs Pistons Game 5 Post

    fresh its over. the pistons are back on track. and guess what? the lakers made it out of the first round!
  14. super noblekane

    Official Boston Celtics @ Atlanta Hawks Game 4 thread

    stern wont allow his main man kg to get suspended...
  15. super noblekane

    Charles Oakley calls out the Wizards

    oak tree is a g. have been fan of his since his early bulls day... and who can forget his knick days with anthony mason.... at the thought of andersen varajeo being an enforcer
  16. super noblekane

    New York Daily News - Roger Clemens had affair with 15 yr. old country star

    im sure a chris hansen pic has showed up somewhere in this thread...
  17. super noblekane

    ESPN chooses their Top 10 Greatest Shooting Guards of all time

    ska that is a terrible opinion. pete, west, and especially iverson over kobe? no way
  18. super noblekane

    Game 5: Utah vs Houston v.WINORSTAYHOME & NBATVFTL

    go rockets! tmac finally steps up and score double digits in 4th. rockets by 6
  19. super noblekane

    Official: Lakers vs. Nuggets Game 4 : LAKERS SWEEP ! Bring On Utah !

    you guys defending iverson are WRONG.. dude had 2 +!%+#%! assists last night and hes their point guard.... 2 asists... this is a top 5 offense team and he getstwo assists.......2....
  20. super noblekane


    you are just noticing it now? imo its been fixed for decades... most nba fans just dont want to believe it... kind of like how baseball fans dont wanna believetheir heroes took steroids....
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