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  1. j20mango

    Together As One (TAO)

    i'm going but kinda upset about the line up, you guys know anyone else thats going to pop up? I heard last year kaskade was announced the last week before TAO could it happen again??
  2. j20mango

    Together As One (TAO)

    i'm going but kinda upset about the line up, you guys know anyone else thats going to pop up? I heard last year kaskade was announced the last week before TAO could it happen again??
  3. j20mango

    Where to buy Bongs and Vapors

    Anyone know where i can buy legit bongs and vapors(Hurricane, roor, da buddah)? Anywhere in socal is cool, i just want to find a place where its cheap and does not sell fakes thanks
  4. j20mango

    3 on 3 tournaments

    anyone know any tournaments around our area that are coming up soon? All i know is the lakers 3 on 3 this august, but does anyone know any other tournaments???
  5. j20mango

    HEAT @ UCR

    damm this ++%$ is pretty wack this year might not goo
  6. j20mango

    Whats the best places to go for a date?

    anything to do in newport beach?
  7. j20mango

    Whats the best places to go for a date?

    Where the best places to go and do in LA, OC, Santa Monica, anywhere in socal with your girlfriend? Are their any places that are great to eat and somethingto do close by afterward? Like ice skating or something romantic?
  8. j20mango

    Need help with a girl!

    i'm quite certain she wants to be together and is waiting for me to ask, how did you guys ask your gf's?
  9. j20mango

    Need help with a girl!

    i've been dating this girl for a while now and i really like and she likes me too, and i want to make it official am i suppose to ask her to be mygirlfriend or is it suppose to just happen? What did you guys do? and if you did ask how did you do it?
  10. j20mango

    626 area need help!

    whats a good place to take a girl out in 626 area? I have been living here and have been doing the same !!%+ with my homies and now im about to take a girl outand not sure where to go or what to do. Please help me out thanks!
  11. j20mango

    JOBS in 626 area?

    Im lookin for jobs around 626 area. anyone know any place around here that is hiring and pays a little more than minmum wage?
  12. j20mango

    UCSB Question

  13. j20mango

    UCSB Question

    I was wondering for the people who got in to UCSB what GPA and SAT scores did you get?
  14. j20mango

    Where to buy nudie jeans?

    Where in socal around 626 can you buy nudie jeans? Is there any outlets that have them? If so which ones?
  15. j20mango

    LA Heads, whats there to do around the area?

    I live in 626 area and was wondering what are some good places to shop or walk around in LA? The only places i have been is melrose and old town, is thereanywhere else around that i go walk around or go shopping at?
  16. j20mango

    SDSU vs. CSULB vs. UCR

    anyone else?
  17. j20mango

    BLACK FRIDAY / Midnight Madness

    is there gonna be a store that is gonna sell skateboarding decks for cheap?
  18. j20mango

    SDSU vs. CSULB vs. UCR

    Im a High School senior and is undecided on where to go? Those are my choices and I want to hear what you guys think. For the most part im leaning toward SDSUjust so i can get away from home but if i get into UCR my parents are gonna make me go there, is there something about SDSU that is a lot...
  19. j20mango


    wow this @#%$ is soo ugly!!!!
  20. j20mango

    im bored whatas there to do in 626 area?

    Like around temple city, arcadia, san gabriel? Around this timie at night? any good places to eat or do? LMK asap
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