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  1. jesusshuttlesworth34

    Washington Wizards Season Thread - Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here

    Bring back Chris Whitney, Tyrone Nesby and Courtney Alexander. This current squad is unwatchable. Run & Shoot had better talent back in the day. No lie.
  2. jesusshuttlesworth34

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Politics As Usual Moderately Speaking
  3. jesusshuttlesworth34

    The Obscure/Rare Hiphop Thread

    Great thread...keep 'em coming. Aaliyah - Everything's Gonna Be Alright
  4. jesusshuttlesworth34

    The Official NBA Season Thread: California Classic Summer League

    Wizards Baby! Potomac Yard 10 win team coming up.
  5. jesusshuttlesworth34

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    No politician ever put a buck in my cup...that's for damn sure.
  6. jesusshuttlesworth34

    The Official NBA Season Thread: California Classic Summer League

    Russ "I Just Don't Like You" Westrbook returns
  7. jesusshuttlesworth34

    Motivational quotes to keep you going.

    All of Man's Problems Come From His Inability #222 Sit N A Room With His Own Thoughts - Unknown
  8. jesusshuttlesworth34

    the thread about nothing...

    WAY OFF P CEASE & DESIST - You Good If You Have Da Bread like main man said.
  9. jesusshuttlesworth34

    Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

  10. jesusshuttlesworth34

    The Cheese Stands Alone.

    The Cheese Stands Alone.
  11. jesusshuttlesworth34

    Being Homeless because I want and I can’t stay still.

    One could analyze your posts as well and "point out" subjective signs of mental illness as well. It's all relative...that's how you get a person TDO'd and put away eating peanut butter sandwiches and chips out near Exodus near downtown LA. It's dangerous to judge and perception is not reality my...
  12. jesusshuttlesworth34

    Being Homeless because I want and I can’t stay still.

    I'll answer any questions one has...I think this is right in my lane and with my experiences, travels and mental health acumen. I don't speak from a place of judgement, but as someone who has been doing my own think traveling/roaming/meandering making art for over 10 years (and random...
  13. jesusshuttlesworth34

    Being Homeless because I want and I can’t stay still.

    Appreciate the tag and yeah my dude, let me read up and get informed and I'll circle back with a post. Thanks.
  14. jesusshuttlesworth34

    Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

    NP -> Wyclef “Carnival”
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