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  1. inno21

    Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

    Remember that earthquake in japan that happened about a year a go.....the reactors are still in meltdown and most experts believe "china syndrome" is currently going on....MSM has completely ignored the situation..
  2. inno21

    Japan Earthquake: Six Months Later (Before and After)

    I truly believe that the worst it yet to come. TEPCO, The Japanese Gov't and Japanese Media have kept alot of information on lock for the most part. Your definitely right about this being far worse then Chernobyl. Pic 25 got to me, nobody should be withing at least 50 miles of that power...
  3. inno21

    Electric Daisy Carnival 2011 Las Vegas

    Avicii's Set is the god damn truth. Hopefully I can make it down there next year. But in the big picture Europe > North America when it comes to this. Me and my boys are planning on doing a Eurotrip to Belgium for Tomorrowland then to Ibiza. Avicii is gunna be around my parts labor day...
  4. inno21

    Electric Daisy Carnival 2011 Las Vegas

    Avicii's Set is the god damn truth. Hopefully I can make it down there next year. But in the big picture Europe > North America when it comes to this. Me and my boys are planning on doing a Eurotrip to Belgium for Tomorrowland then to Ibiza. Avicii is gunna be around my parts labor day...
  5. inno21

    Radiation Levels in Fukishima city 810 times the acceptable level (60km outside banned area)

    Sad thing about this is its getting no play in the western media. TEPCO and the Japanese gov't are keeping a tight lid on just how bad it really is. They have confirmed meltdowns in 3 reactors (r1,r2, r3), Reactor 3 blew up exposing high volumes of radiation into the atmosphere. If your...
  6. inno21

    Radiation Levels in Fukishima city 810 times the acceptable level (60km outside banned area)

    Sad thing about this is its getting no play in the western media. TEPCO and the Japanese gov't are keeping a tight lid on just how bad it really is. They have confirmed meltdowns in 3 reactors (r1,r2, r3), Reactor 3 blew up exposing high volumes of radiation into the atmosphere. If your...
  7. inno21

    Yo! They're going nuts in Vancouver right now.

    Naw, Buffalo already looks bombed and depleted....However if the Maple Laughs ever get to the finals, better believe  downtown T.O from the ACC to Dundas SQ will burn. Once the mob mentality gets going ain't no stopping it
  8. inno21

    Anyone here who doesn't believe in Evolution?

    Sumerian Ancient Civilization .....The Annunaki You know about Zecharia Sitchin and Lloyd Pie? ...
  9. inno21

    Anyone here who doesn't believe in Evolution?

    Sumerian Ancient Civilization .....The Annunaki You know about Zecharia Sitchin and Lloyd Pie? ...
  10. inno21

    The worst 138 Million dollars ever spent.

    Ya but..."off to a good start" after one week of games does not = playing anywhere near close to that contract. To refresh:
  11. inno21

    Any NT'ers from Montreal, QC? or anyone who has tips on what to do/what to eat there???

    Pretty much all you need to know  You picked a great weekend to be in Montreal, good weather and long weekend. If you have a chance to party checkout St.Catherines street ( clubs, bars, after hour spots and strip clubs). Drinking age is 18 so go nuts. Bon-chance
  12. inno21

    Tilikum/Shamu Thrashes & Kills Trainer.......Gruesome DETAILS UPDATE + Similar Attack Video

    They just said this Whale had merked 2 people prior to this instance smh... he wasn't even in the performance. They kept him in a separate pen they shoulda just let homie free after the first incident.
  13. inno21

    Toyota is royally @%!!!*, your thoughts?

    Okay guys I just want to throw out a random thought that arose during a discussion with a couple of my buddies.... Do you guys think that this could be a government conspiracy? Hear me out first.  Plenty of cars are recalled every year for various reasons, everything from doors not closing...
  14. inno21

    09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

    This. Facebook getting athletes kicked off teams daily. How can this fool be posting picks of his stacks just recklessly like that. He prolly blew up the spot for a bunch dudes too
  15. inno21

    Does losing a lot of weight make you a jerk?

    In most cases ex-fat people were either teased, picked-on or beat up by bullies, especially if they have fat from childhood.. Also, even though I hate to say it, fat people are generally looked down up on in our society. They are the butt of jokes and are generally frowned upon by the media. In...
  16. inno21

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Don't be scared man, I was in the same boat as you a few years ago.  - Get your form down. I start with just the bar and practiced the movements. After a while it almost became automatic, thats when i started adding weight.  -Youtube is an excellent source for videos that will help with form. ...
  17. inno21

    What constitutes being freaky nowadays?

    This one is just way too wild
  18. inno21

    Where would you like to see Michael Vick end up next season?

    Mike Vick + Marshawn Lynch = 
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