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  1. handullz

    Happy Fathers Day NT... my first!

    Happy Pop day to the pops :hat: :hat:
  2. handullz

    Moving to NYC - Vol: 3rd Coast

    If you come up to NYC, tap in them ****s hella helpful, bro. I'm looking at places I want to move to off this thread alone.
  3. handullz

    Moving to NYC - Vol: 3rd Coast

    Man I was out there in Ponca for a stint. OKC got the most underrated dips in the country. The mash up betwen native americans and black... Some of the most splendiferous yambs I've seen.
  4. handullz

    Moving to NYC - Vol: 3rd Coast

    you out here? :nerd :nerd
  5. handullz

    Moving to NYC - Vol: 3rd Coast

    I think we can all agree that humans have energy. When you pack them all in together, that energy gets magnified. Whether that energy is a headwind or tailwind for your well being is a different story, but there's energy there. And for the people that like it, they really like it. And for...
  6. handullz

    Moving to NYC - Vol: 3rd Coast

    Lotta fax in this statement. I wouldn't recommend NYC to anyone that wants to be normal or live a regular life. It's too much in the way to live like that. NGL, I get to the crib after a day in NYC and am exhausted. The walking, the timing of the trains, the constant movement and having to...
  7. handullz

    Moving to NYC - Vol: 3rd Coast

    Thanks for all the insights, fambily :nthat: I've been here for a few months and it's pretty dope. Always something to do and a ton of places to eat. A little overwhelming, lowkey. So many choices, where to go? I been grinding so much at work, I haven't had time to look up. I don't think...
  8. handullz

    Moving to NYC - Vol: 3rd Coast

    I saw that Astoria has great proximity to Midtown but I've never heard of it. Why isn't it talked about more, seems really well-positioned. I've lived in downtown southern cities so if it's one of those "right outside the city" gems, then i FW w/ those (the Cedars in Dallas). I see it's close...
  9. handullz

    Moving to NYC - Vol: 3rd Coast

    I was expecting $5 to $7k for a decent 2 bedroom. Budget out the gate will be ~$3 to $4k. After feeling the city out for a year or two, I want to choose a place to really sit down in, regardless of the price. I've been looking at Downtown Brooklyn, LES, and UES :nerd: :nerd: Yeah, dolo...
  10. handullz


    my g, you heading to Columbia? :nerd::nerd:
  11. handullz


    Congrats, lots of good opportunities out of UVA! I know cats that went super hard out of that school. Happy to connect you w/ some brothers from the 17/18 class And the 1-year program, save some bread! :hat: :hat: Cap >D>D
  12. handullz

    Moving to NYC - Vol: 3rd Coast

    We made it, la fambilia. I'm moving to NYC at 33 years old. :hat: :hat: Put me on game, NT. Working in East Midtown. Where to live? What to do? Where to go? I'm looking for: men's basketball leagues, lounges and chill spots, hookah and weed bars, gyms and fitness centers, music festivals...
  13. handullz

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I’m all for good jokes. The memes are straight lulz but folks are really running with this whole “he’s a trump supporter” narrative, which is cap af. when i first started seeing the tweets, I thought he came out in support of Trumpito. then I saw what he said did, and it lowkey pissed me off...
  14. handullz

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    this cube slander is brazy. A bunch of Underachieving morons that just sit back and criticize without bringing substance to the table or knowing all the fax :rolleyes
  15. handullz

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Bro what in the holy **** are you talking about? :rollin Bernie lost months ago. Biden is the Dem nominee. Republicans shot down their own healthcare plan b/c it came from Obama. all those things are true
  16. handullz

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    They’re not going to do it because a lot of the old guard Dems align with the Republicans joe biden still thinks he can reach across the aisle :|
  17. handullz

    **..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

    Copped some prescription woods (fixed) gonna get some (lab) diamonds in them and shine :pimp: :pimp:
  18. handullz

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Michelle looking like a nice lil hardworking dip in this picture prototype fareal :hat :hat
  19. handullz

    Happy Caturday vol. so happy right meow

    Caturday on a Wednesday >>>
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