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  1. senatorjeffsmith

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Claim: Hillary is way ahead of Trump in the polls. It's over. Reality: pollsters like Reuters are stacking Dems in the polls to skew the results. Furthermore, Trump's social media numbers (For what social media is worth. I recognize much of it is BS) are far superior to those of Clinton. HRC...
  2. senatorjeffsmith

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    There's a lot of disinformation going around these days. Claim: Trump is tight with Putin and is Russia's preferred candidate. Reality: As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed off on the deal giving a good chunk of the US's uranium supply to Russia. Source...
  3. senatorjeffsmith

    Dating Advice: When is it acceptable for your girl to give out her number?

    Lots of overreacting from the gallery (Although some of it made me chuckle). She seems like one of those girls that will give her number out to a guy in hopes of being his friend. Silly as it sounds there are a lot of women that think men just want to be their friend. I'm sure she has other...
  4. senatorjeffsmith

    Dating Advice: When is it acceptable for your girl to give out her number?

    I'm thinking your girl just signed up a new beta male orbiter. I'd only be worried if the dude has some alpha qualities because women that can will branch swing to another dude if they perceive it as an "upgrade". Hypergamy is in their DNA.
  5. senatorjeffsmith

    STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

    Quest bars are delicious but I don't mess with any of their bars that sweeten with Splenda (Sucralose). I've made my own version of cinnamon roll using IMO syrup as a binding agent. They turned out well but my concern is it's not cost effective. I'm currently experimenting with Organic Grade A...
  6. senatorjeffsmith

    STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

    Someone with genes like Elliott Hulse could attain the body Tyson had in his prime. Most will never have forearms that big.
  7. senatorjeffsmith

    STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

    My lean protein staples are organic egg whites, organic no-fat cottage cheese, boneless skinless chicken breast, fish, peanuts, NF Greek Yogurt and lean ground beef (When I can get it on sale). You're probably eating some of these already. My secret is squash. I love butternut and acorn...
  8. senatorjeffsmith

    The Friendzone vol r/niceguy

    The sad thing is Western society encourages this kind of behavior. "Just be yourself" or "You'll find someone to love you for who you are". Men want to believe this is true and some think one day a unicorn will enter their lives and love them for being a lazy underachiever with no ambition...
  9. senatorjeffsmith

    The Friendzone vol r/niceguy

    Sexual Market Value
  10. senatorjeffsmith

    The Friendzone vol r/niceguy

    Some dudes don't realize how important lifting and nutrition is to improving one's SMV. Take a look on the streets every day and you'll see overweight men wearing baggy clothing to hide their guts. There's a change that goes on in a man's mindset when he devotes himself to the iron and is...
  11. senatorjeffsmith

    Official Kevin Durant hate thread Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)

    Westbrook will probably leave next summer, too. OKC could be basketball Siberia by this time next year. If that happens they might as well re-sign Dion and bring in Byron to drive the tank.
  12. senatorjeffsmith

    The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

    CP3 is a better player than Lillard who is a volume shooter. I'll take CP3 over Lillard's lifetime 42.6% FG/ 37.5% 3FG any day. Also, Lillard's shooting in the playoffs was terrible.
  13. senatorjeffsmith

    Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

    $ilver isn't going to suspend an all-star for a playoff game. He takes after $tern.
  14. senatorjeffsmith

    **The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

    Newest pick up. I'm 6 ft tall, a lean 170 lbs. This size M is a great fit for me. 3 bills shipped.
  15. senatorjeffsmith

    **The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

    Just grabbed an RRL Fair Isle cardigan off Price was $279 (Previous sale price when they had more in was about $448). I've been checking it the past few days because it would reappear randomly but not in my size. Finally an M popped up this morning. I hope this order goes through.
  16. senatorjeffsmith

    **The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

    An email from early December went out with 20% off. I used it twice this morning. Good until 12/24.
  17. senatorjeffsmith

    **The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

    I hit up the outlet yesterday. They've got the 50% off going and are allowing the 20% mailer to stack with the 20% when buying 5+ items. Picked up some jeans for $25, a long sleeve, some gloves and a few packs of socks. Not a huge haul but I did OK.
  18. senatorjeffsmith

    Sooooo, "sweat shaming" is now a thing....

    I sweat like I'm in the Nefud Desert when I'm at the gym. Damn proud of it. It's healthy.
  19. senatorjeffsmith

    The Friendzone vol r/niceguy

    Very true. Posture and body language are important, too. Too many dudes walk with their heads down looking at the ground. Make it a habit to look straight ahead, be relaxed and walk at a comfortable pace. You'll notice a lot of women walk with heads down because they don't want to be...
  20. senatorjeffsmith

    The Friendzone vol r/niceguy

    If you're in the friend zone then you're willingly orbiting a girl. Any time she needs validation she'll seek out one of her beta males. Oh, she's depressed and her hair is a mess? She texts Beta Joe and he tells her how wonderful she is, he gets used and no step closer to ever ever winning her...
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