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  1. aepps20

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    USA Bums and Clowns is what I call them. When the squad was full of MLS dudes they played with heart and toughness and had better results. Playing in great leagues don’t mean much if you’re soft and entitled
  2. aepps20

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Happy Birthday WASHED KING

    I teared up because it’s true. Don’t come after @RustyShackleford for being a Suns and Lakers fan and doing the right thing. Come at me for still being a Nuggets fan after we let KCP go because I can take it. I’m a CONSERVATIVE BLACK MAN AND I’M 40
  3. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I will say that as helpful as these models are they are very dynamic. If the election were today we probably lose but July isn’t November and whether it’s Joe or anyone else I think when people truly lock in around September the race will tighten significantly. Joe and Hillary had pretty...
  4. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I remember how my satire really impacted Ninja in a negative way. Once his “da” moniker became mine he would post da Sean Michaels gif and Meth would warn him. I knew you had to fight fire with a flamethrower. I had beef with him for years and Trump gave me the avenue to attack.
  5. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    It’s not normal but the VP only has one debate anyway. Kamala is most effective at campaign rallies and stumps and she needs to get out there now and often no matter if Joe stays or doesn’t. My biggest criticism of what’s going on is that Joe needs to utilize his attack squad whether he stays in...
  6. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    That was the darkest day in the history of this website. Very proud that he went out swinging and let everyone know to say his name with Bass in your voice.
  7. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Kamala has been really active on the campaign trail for more than a year. She’s been in Arizona, Nevada and Georgia several times giving speeches and promoting Joe while he hits up the rust belt.
  8. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    The sad reality is that we all know Trump will make both issues significantly worse. I will say that inflation has been getting better in the last few months which is why I think Joe’s age is becoming more and more of a viral topic. The best thing about inflation is that our brother @ninjahood...
  9. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Looking back on it who was a better candidate on our side knowing what we know? The email thing and Comey (the only good thing Trump ever did was fire him) were what sunk her. That and people like Susan Sarandon and Cenk wanting to stick it to “corporate dems”and cried that somehow Bernie was...
  10. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Call them “official acts” plus they legalized bribery in the form of gratuity. I’m very confident that our side will get it together but we need to be attacking Trump and this corrupt court. Abortion will be illegal in every state if Trump wins and we lose congress. They will pass a federal...
  11. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    To be honest this says more about the American electorate than anything else. The reality is that everyone on here is right. If our fellow Americans weren’t such scums and bigots we wouldn’t be here. If MAGA weren’t such a disease the stakes wouldn’t feel and be so high. It’s crazy that folks...
  12. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    He’s been impeached by this thread multiple times. He’s on the run
  13. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    The same team meaning everyone that will be impacted by a Trump Presidency if we lose.
  14. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I also think that we need to be aware of the facts and relevant questions and operate accordingly. My thoughts are as follows. 1. It’s ok to wonder if Joe is the right person to beat Trump. 2. Will the dems in disarray narrative settle down if Joe stays or leaves and how will that impact turn...
  15. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I think that would be advisable. We are all on the same team.
  16. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    We got Trump because of Obama so their turnout will be massive. Will the folks on our side that want to switch things up turn out in massive numbers we need? I sure hope so. Project 25 and the courts should be enough but our side needs I’ll find something else they don’t like about Kamala
  17. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I will say is that one advantage Kamala will have is that as much as Republicans want to say the Biden Harris record isn’t good their record is very strong. Maybe if you take the ageism out of it you could get people focused on all of their accomplishments. However that might be offset by...
  18. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I’m confident that if the interview response isn’t good Joe will not seek reelection. He stepped up to defeat Trump last time when he was our only hope and I am very grateful. He has been one of the most successful presidents that we have ever had for which he should be proud and if not for his...
  19. aepps20

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    He stole Colorado’s PPE after Polis paid for it with Colorado Tax Payer Money
  20. aepps20

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    Match of the tournament. Crying tears of joy right now.
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