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  1. ispeakjewleo

    August Birthdays where you at? Vol. 22

    Turning 20 on the 27th :hat
  2. ispeakjewleo

    Why do girls take pictures with mustaches drawn on their fingers?

    Same reason we take pictures of our shoes and post them online. For fun
  3. ispeakjewleo

    Luxury Car Owners... How much do you spend on maintenance?

    I don't understand why some people just don't do some of the smaller things like a tune up on their own instead of taking it to a shop/dealership. 
  4. ispeakjewleo

    Lock this up, apparently I'm a troll.

  5. ispeakjewleo

    Lock this up, apparently I'm a troll.

    4:32  am
  6. ispeakjewleo

    the thread about nothing...

    I wish I was rich 
  7. ispeakjewleo

    Demand ‘Paid in Full’ on Blu-ray!

    Signed Gonna go watch it on Netflix now 
  8. ispeakjewleo

    Joey Bada$$ 1999 mixtape

    Funky Ho'$ 
  9. ispeakjewleo

    the thread about nothing...

    Well its really all mental. I took some time to think about when I smoked the most and figured out I smoked most when I would drive around in my car so I stopped leaving my squares in my car and I slowly forgot about them. I don't have any urges to pick one up.  So maybe you should try that 
  10. ispeakjewleo

    the thread about nothing...

    I was in the same boat, but I finally managed to slowly ease off on them. 
  11. ispeakjewleo

    Now vs. The Past

    Technology is the way of the future, whether we like it or not. 
  12. ispeakjewleo


    This and Anthony Hopkins in Hannibal Lecter
  13. ispeakjewleo

    NT, Recommend me a new vehicle Vol. 2nd Car

    240sx s14 kouki IS300 s2000 Civic 
  14. ispeakjewleo

    Until this stops, collecting shoes will never be the same.

    I just ignore them and keep it moving.  Let those people be stupid and pay that much for some shoes. 
  15. ispeakjewleo

    Racist Siri...lololol.

    "meeting with parole officer" 
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