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  1. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Green Party candidate in Montana was on GOP payroll Love how Third Parties at this point exist only to hurt Democrats
  2. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    He spent the better part of 7 years staying completely calm in the face of racism, treason, hatred and more. Now alot of the things he put in place, like ACA, Trade Deals, World Relations, Paris Accords and more are being taken pulled apart by a idiot because people didn't want to vote thinking...
  3. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I'm suscriber but the opnion section is a mixed bag at best the rest is great
  4. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Do not expect these people to every. Change they will.ecee change from a party line vote and wanting a hardcore republican
  5. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Whose DC office do you work in rusty?
  6. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Love how in the Thumbnail they draw Trump as this guy who is in GREAT shape with combat skills and more. Why push that lie when He is a Overweight old man who dodged the draft several times.
  7. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    A 4.1 growth from a tax move that increases the debt coupled with a 2.8 inflation doesn't fill me with pride
  8. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    What makes me sad is everyday is a bombshell. Each one of these things are Career Ruining things for any other politicians. If not for Trumps strength of the Republican base and Republican politicians being so scared to be voted out that they wont do the right thing he would have BEEN gone. We...
  9. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Georgia is as Red as can be. The Democrats are gonna have to come out of the woodwork to beat this guy. Funny how racist are all out and in power in 2018
  10. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    If his book isn't revealing anything good then what use is it really
  11. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    This Trump Tv show is gonna be so fire that I just can't wait we have Tapes Spies Russians Traitors Global politics Spies Rural City Business stuff Hookers Porn stars Tv shows And so much more
  12. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I thought Republicans were about States Rights?
  13. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    How to vote for a man who wants to deport people when your own family has a illegal in it. Hope that haunts her soul how she choose to vote to hur her family
  14. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    So he starts some **** with Iran that every other leader said doesn't need to be done. Iran says something neutral about it and he goes ******* off. This man keeps creating problems that the country doesn't need
  15. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Yeah lets listen to James ******* Comey. One of the main reasons we are in this Political Mess. Shut the F up forever
  16. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    He REALLY thinks its OK to play with other peoples Money? He Does know that the Money is mostly the American people money right. So as a American he is ******* with MY MONEY !!!
  17. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Why is it everyday we get new info on Trump and the people around him things get weirder and deeper. We just had literal Russian spies at prayer breakfasts on Sunday and selling sex for info on monday and now we have a ****old wtf
  18. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Racial Rallies arent gonna change a Racist opinion much. Especially in a Diverse city in the bay. The rallies likely that are honestly mostly to try and get Politicians to do what Rusty wants to do. Make Social Safety nets. Also the President you wanna stand behind has emboldened Racist...
  19. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I just dont see how Unicorn can say this whole we are on the same team nonsense. People are generally are NOT gonna just fall in line with Trump and his Folks. That whole section has been as dismissive, dysfunctional and disrespectful to anyone who is not a middle america white and even then...
  20. milestailsprowe

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Drake is actually good for the Economy in Toronto upto around 6% and you don't even have to be a fan to say he has at least one good song. Trump Stan's worship that means ground like a cult while the rest of the country screama
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