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  1. swagu

    The days of illegal downloading coming to an end

    National Association of Recording Merchandisers funded a study that concluded music sales were up after megaupload got shut down? It hasn't even been two months yet...? There's so many things wrong with that story, darknets gonna net. I wonder if it's tier 1 ISPs that will be doing the grunt...
  2. swagu

    To my graduated NTers...

    should i be hunting for certs while in school?
  3. swagu

    Is it wise to have a girlfriend while having no job and being broke?

    my girl held me ALL the way down for half a year. a brotha was using hand fulls of coins to pay for the bus to meet with her, and she would give me some money to pay for the trip there and the trip back, and pay for dinner. now that i have a little bit of extra cash flow, i've been trying to...
  4. swagu

    Brethren, Where Do You Keep Your Cellular Phone When Showering At Shortys House? No PASSCODES

    i no longer am in love with you. but yeah i'mma use a blacklisting feature with the messaging app. i told my last girl "don't go looking for something you don't wanna find." she stopped asking to see my phone.
  5. swagu

    Japan-One year later

    It really is. Didn't know you spoke Japanese though. (I can sound out the english words... can't read japanese.)
  6. swagu

    Niketalk what is the difference between Polo and U.S. Polo Association

    Maybe it's a difference in generation. Females my age are "sneakerheads" in greater quantities. And they all rock RL. So I gotta cop Armani just to impress 'em.
  7. swagu

    am I doin it??

    No Pics -> Not Doing It Post pics of her when she was "perfect thick."
  8. swagu

    Biggest Paper You Wrote In Collage? Vol. Class + Topic Too

    Something like 15 pages. I wrote 17 for it because I was too ambitious in my thesis.
  9. swagu

    OH HOW THE MIGHTY HATH FALLEN! Stacy Dash... why?

    would drink her bathwater afterwards.
  10. swagu

    Really though?

    from 2:00 - 4:00
  11. swagu

    Draw Something vol. Advance Upon Thee

    i'm gonna give u the... sorry for vulgarity
  12. swagu

    NT brothers n sisters When do you know its time to throw in the towel?? Vol. Relationship

    When you grieve having to spend time with the person. Every long term couple goes through fights and disagreements, but what matters the most is how you behave after them. if you dread going out with your partner, spending time with them, etc... then you should probably move on.
  13. swagu

    to my non christian NTers... vol. do you speak up?

    They gave me a free education. I'm not scared to learn in a different perspective. It's surprisingly a pretty welcoming environment. The administration is pretty progressive.
  14. swagu

    Help me gain weight

    Chinese food buffets on a daily basis
  15. swagu

    to my non christian NTers... vol. do you speak up?

    I'll start off by saying that I'm not Christian. I have no problem with most of them, though. The faith just doesn't resonate with me.) However, as we all know, many Americans are, or at least claim to be. When your peers, professors, acquaintances, etc. assume that you are, as a...
  16. swagu

    Should I get the Galaxy S 3 or wait for the Iphone5?

    The HD2 is the Sega Dreamcast of mobile devices. One of the best Android devices to date and it shipped with Windows Mobile 6.5. Google Music. Thank me later.
  17. swagu

    Whats your Cell phone device history?

    x15 still the best phone i've ever owned.
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