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  1. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I get it. This is a thread for the uninformed sheep who deny reality unless it helps their side or comes from someone on their side. Trump has zero ties to racists only rumors and innuendos from partisan trolls and a biased media who hate him, but he's racist. Hillary Clinton calls a former...
  2. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Sorry that you don't understand what that meant and created your own meeting. I'm not surprised so I'm now ignoring trolls like you and the guy who sounds as dense as you.
  3. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    How did you label me a racist? You told me to go to a Nazi and KKK site. With your logic, if a Nazi/racist supports said politician then said politician is guilty by association, right? Pot meet kettle in the attached image. You calling Trump a racist doesn't upset me because it's not true...
  4. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Do you really think IGAF what you or any other hater thinks. Rhetorical, btw. Thanks for demonstrating the mentality of people like you. Cry like a little girl about racism, but when someone on the other side of the isle actually has a family member murdered by the KKK (decades ago, btw) they're...
  5. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    You can't debate with facts so you try to label me as a racist. The true sign of lack of intelligence. I come from a multi-racial family. Black, white, Mexican, Jewish and the KKK have actually murdered one of my family members, idiot. Has the KKK ever murdered one of your family members? People...
  6. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    It's called a name change not an exploit. Hilarious.
  7. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    And again you go with the childish responses. You realize not everyone you disagree with is related to Trump or watches Hannity, right? Of course not because you're a hyper partisan unable to see the world through anything but your world view. We're not in the KKK, we come from multi-racial...
  8. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I doubt you can guarantee that. It's pretty obvious some people here think the majority shares their views.
  9. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    It never surprises me that people who can't debate in the marketplace of ideas respond with the lamest of responses.
  10. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Keep dreaming and keep losing. The blue wave won't materialize and Trump will get another term. The only thing the vocal minority has over the silent majority is having their wishful thinking broadcast on a daily basis in the media. When it comes down to it the silent majority has been...
  11. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Those are based on a conspiracy theory with zero proof and they only went after those around Trump after they couldn't find anything on him. They continue to find nothing on those around him. I love how the left is so obsessed with Russia and completely ignores Hillary Clinton, and the people...
  12. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Sorry I don't live on this site like so many of you. Reality is Trump called Obama out for playing golf and Trump is playing golf. I never had an issue with Obama playing golf and I don't have one with Trump playing. The haters can obsess on it and waste all their time posting about it, but no...
  13. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Ive been here for months. I just saw this thread. God forbid someone outside of the hate Trump circlejerk has a different opinion. Sorry to upset the apple cart. Quite funny I'm basing my posts in reality, not anything related to conspiracy theories, etc. What do you people do in return? Troll...
  14. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Here's some... You don't even have to bring it up. People like you are easy to spot from a mile away. Manafort et al, all ties into the Russian conspiracy theory. You are a...
  15. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Funny since I can still see your posts. Making up some new conspiracy theories here, now? Comrade trolling. Again, so edgy.
  16. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    "You must be new here" posts are so edgy.
  17. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Believing Russian conspiracy theories is epic hilarity. Over seven months of investigations and nothing but wishful thinking, rumors, and innuendo. If you people only cared about what's right as it pertains to ALL politicians, not just the ones you hate who aren't Democrats. Hilarious. My first...
  18. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    So you're just about vindictiveness not things that actually matter. If haters hate him so much then they should be happy he's on vacation. The most ridiculous point is the left wants to attack him on vacation costs, etc. He's already saved billions in cost cutting measures, and unless he spends...
  19. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Trump also stated he never said the White House was a dump. Like previous haters have done, you ignore reality and argue against something that never happened. You people make it so easy to dismiss you, especially when you end your troll post alluding to the Russia conspiracy theory. Again...
  20. Pede

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    It's Saturday, he's playing golf. He didn't say he was hard at work, while playing. Hilarious that the haters go to such lengths to create mountains out of b.s.
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