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  1. Barbados Slim

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    mmmm I don't think that's a pen but we have seen it given.
  2. Barbados Slim

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    "Didn't know the French pockets were that big. Saliba manage to fit Lukaku in his"... Damn
  3. Barbados Slim

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    My goodness. How they miss that!
  4. Barbados Slim

    The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

    Nah I mean they show the initial move. Then cut away, to Garp or back to Egg Head, then come back for the aftermath. So they show it all but just spread out. That way it looks like more happened but it really didn't :lol:
  5. Barbados Slim

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    Jesus coming on and probably won’t score. Sad Ben White probably has more goals…
  6. Barbados Slim

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    Arsenal are cooking! Or Chelsea is that bad
  7. Barbados Slim

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    The state of this club man. Like did Arsenal improve from last year?
  8. Barbados Slim

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    Jesus glad he was offsides cause that was the worst finish ever.
  9. Barbados Slim

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    Saka has credit in the bank but man he's getting close to NSF. He has been poor. idk if he's been over worked or what
  10. Barbados Slim

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    Damn Odeegard picked the wrong pass but I'm liking this so far.
  11. Barbados Slim

    The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

    Finished the tower of god anime. Good series so far. Is the manhwa still going? Is it still hype or it fall off?
  12. Barbados Slim

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    I mean it could have and probably is a pen but that was an open net and he did kinda look for it. I think he should have buried that.
  13. Barbados Slim

    OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Euro Cup and Copa America underway

    Saka should have stayed on his feet.
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