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  1. ejs25

    Flyknit Chukka Thread

    If anyone in the Seattle area is looking for the bright crimsons, there's a shop in Bellevue called Urbanity currently having a sale of them for $137. Not sure about phone orders but you could try. Their number is 425-454-7276.
  2. ejs25

    Flyknit Chukka Thread

    managed to grab a size 12! the lady was really patient and not grumpy at all. keep calling people!
  3. ejs25

    Flyknit Chukka Thread

    still trying on chicago. pray for me! 
  4. ejs25

    Flyknit Chukka Thread

    I think @TownAllDayy swooped on my size 12s lol. No biggie, thanks @gusmq, keep me posted if you see any sold in the states
  5. ejs25

    Flyknit Chukka Thread

    wow good looks man thanks! do these guys ship to the states?
  6. ejs25

    Flyknit Chukka Thread

    anyone seen the dark obsidians in size 12? all I can find are ones on ebay for steep
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