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  1. hamiltonstore

    NFL Week 7 In Review...

    I don't remember the 07-08 patriots going undefeated. Please enlighten us Son Peyton? Did you watch the game or did you just skim through it You still must be hungover from Sunday night. Go back to sleep
  2. hamiltonstore

    NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

    this dude Holliday is bugging tonight
  3. hamiltonstore

    NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

    there goes these WR's begging for calls. Decker would of caught that if he wasn't crying
  4. hamiltonstore

    NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

    Broncos shooting themselves in the foot this game. Woodyard out? Champ out? Offense going to have to light it up 2nd half
  5. hamiltonstore

    Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

    Huh. Its one thing to get got, thats understandable. Its another to act as a person and mislead people on what they should do with their lives and then have someone who WAS "reputable" cosign you. Nah bruh. You on ya own with that logic.
  6. hamiltonstore

    Official NBA Live 14 Thread - Official Cover Released , Brief In-Game Footage. Xbox One & PS4

    CliffordSmith does 2kSports give you a check or do you work for them? If not then Its not that serious. You sound like a groupie. 2k is just as trash as Live. We need them to just merge together, man.
  7. hamiltonstore

    NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

    Trent disappointed me
  8. hamiltonstore

    Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

    I agree. Thing about it is BigLes and GSC were really trying to show off to us then reneg like they weren't cosigning one another. If I messed up and cosigned someone who was really a fraud I would just come out and apologize and say "my bad". Time to bring out the paperwork on these dudes if...
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