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  1. huey freeman

    Official Bitcoin Thread

    I have a keepkey
  2. huey freeman

    Official Bitcoin Thread

    Has anyone else been robbed by Coinbase? I deposited 4k it got put in my gdax account then the bank rejected it for some reason. Then the 4k was taken again and cleared but when I attempted to transfer 90ltc off of gdax on to my wallet it rejected the transfer but took the coins from my account...
  3. huey freeman

    Kicks Starring Jahking Guillory, Mahershala Ali | Trailer #1 | RD: 9/9/16

    Dam thats my cousin at 37 seconds she told me about this didn't think it was a legit movie with a real studio when she told me
  4. huey freeman

    Charlize Theron dressing her black adopted son in a blonde wig and dress...Vol...fam..

    one of my friends from HS actually had a little brother who played with dolls and dressed like a girl. His dad is a big *** black dude in a biker club. Some lil ****** just dress like girls and play with dolls and its just easier for you guys to blame her for this cause shes rich and white. NO...
  5. huey freeman

    Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

    all about checking the iv of the magicarp you can have 2 that are same cp lvl but one will have more hp atk def and stamina i use that app its pretty easy to use and will let you know what is worth...
  6. huey freeman

    Who here makes 6 figures? Vol. 2016 edition

    I dont have to lie at all its a pretty straightforward thing and i dont even talk to customers anymore just run the office and help recruit. Was it fun knocking doors? Not really.. Was it worth it to get where i am now? **** yes.. I have plenty of family that has been working at their jobs for...
  7. huey freeman

    Who here makes 6 figures? Vol. 2016 edition

    I have a ged and only went to a couple semesters at a cc and have made over 6 figures the last 4 years. Started out selling gas and electric door to door and moved up the ladder and now own a marketing company selling gas and electric still but getting a bigger piece of the pie. There's plenty...
  8. huey freeman

    The Official Nike Air Max 90 Thread

    How come I can't find these in the states just the leather bs ones
  9. huey freeman

    The Official Nike Air Max 90 Thread

    Happened to my lunars after a week u guys think I can return those?
  10. huey freeman

    The Official Nike Air Max 90 Thread

    There's a as 7 of the milans on ndc right now
  11. huey freeman

    How much money is enough money?

    Its all about what you consider yourself worth. People are on here talking about 80k by the end of their career are selling themselves short in my opinion. I dropped out and got my ged and made 63k last year doing sales for my first year im a manager now making overrides on my team so im looking...
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