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  1. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    Right, because states in the South didn't have laws discriminating against black people in recent history Because this nonsense doesn't go on frequently in that region http://www.huffingtonpost...ant-be-val_n_909163.html
  2. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    You too "Monstar1" . Good to see you've progressed from trolling threads with atrocious rap lyrics to randomly accusing strangers of being racist
  3. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    Whatever you say man. Keep acting like you didn't post an entire page worth of pictures of white dudes making out with and cuddling up with Zoe Saldana Now you're gonna go into "Well, she's prejudiced and only goes out with white men"  when you mentioned that dudes would pick a mediocre or fat...
  4. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    How about you stop reaching for racism? Your entire bull @#$% post was about men choosing ugly/average/fat white girls over good looking black girls. Then you post a series of pictures of men with a good looking black girl instead of the white girls you can't stand. Which one is it? Let me...
  5. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    It's funny that you call me a fool. Did you watch the @#$@%@ videos ? They WERE promoting hatred. They specifically mentioned black people being disgusting and all types of other @#$%,  to which you responded "This is what the majority of white people feel, truth" They went far beyond...
  6. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    You are on the other side of the fence brody.  You're probably the type to say this kind of stuff is rare  I'm "hung up" on the hair thing because she was clearly taking shots throughout the video by brushing/flipping her hair.  You just now said that white people talk about this @#$% behind...
  7. nawlinsjunkie

    Another Illuminati Thread vol. Possible Newest Illuminati Recruit?

        @ at the thought of the alleged group of most powerful people in the world wanting to recruit French Montana. The most ridiculous theory I've heard in a while besides Blue Ivy= Blueprint/Illuminati's Very Youngest 
  8. nawlinsjunkie

    The Ultimate Soccer Thread 2011-2012. VOL 2 (EPL,LFP, SERIE A, BUND, ETC.)

    I agree with you on bringing in Falcao. I don't watch many Chelsea games but they could have benefited alot by signing him. Dude was a beast at Porto and is still doing work even on a mediocre squad like Atletico Madrid (tied for 3rd in goals with Higuain). It's also a shame that these Luiz has...
  9. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    These are the type of people that live in worthless cities and have never been to anywhere else in the world. They try to make themselves feel like a significant part of the world by talking @#$% about others in the community, as if they're SO much better off
  10. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    Um I'm white and I live in a majority white/ Asian community/ area of my city. All I'm gonna say is that the white people in my neighborhood aren't racist I still don't see what the connection between  huge afros/braids and weaves are. And those girls were talking @#$% about much more than...
  11. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    basically saying "there's the door, you can leave NT" my bad for instigating if that's not it
  12. nawlinsjunkie

    Does anyone have that pic..

  13. nawlinsjunkie

    So basically white women just look better right? vol. read 1st

    yet she's extremely proud of her black heritage even when being interviewed by Dominican reporters who refuse to call her black. So what exactly is the problem? I also thought that men would prefer an ugly white girl over a good looking black girl? White people can't win no matter what
  14. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    I hate weaves in general, and there are plenty of white girls with fake hair+extensions. Would Beyonce be any less fine if she had natural hair? No. I also like how you posted 2 hairstyles that 99% of black people don't even use I'm really glad that you only made that silly generalization...
  15. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    Countering gross generalizations with ridiculous, unproven generalizations. Great
  16. nawlinsjunkie

    So basically white women just look better right? vol. read 1st

    That's true too. It's not like women of different ethnicities didn't have straight hair, slim noses, etc before they were taken advantage of by Europeans, so you can't really call it racism if that's what you like
  17. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    Those saying smash, these girls are clearly ~15 
  18. nawlinsjunkie

    So basically white women just look better right? vol. read 1st

    the foundation of this entire thread
  19. nawlinsjunkie

    SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

    The South  Why minorities (with the means to move out) choose to live in America's toilet region is beyond me. My dad went to college in Memphis and dudes called him a n_____ for his tan skin, even though he's more European than any of them. Then again California has Orange County, which is...
  20. nawlinsjunkie

    So basically white women just look better right? vol. read 1st

    So because I like women who are different than me in ethnicity and culture, I'm putting my own kind down? I've lived among certain cultures my entire life, and those cultures will always be a part of who I am. It's wrong for me to want to experience something new or different?
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