Search results

  1. pricankid9

    ***All RED MEAT is bad for you, new study says.***

    Ribs are worth it.
  2. pricankid9

    THE WALKING DEAD -- vaya con dios

    What a half ash sneak peak.
  3. pricankid9

    THE WALKING DEAD -- vaya con dios

    What a half ash sneak peak.
  4. pricankid9

    THE WALKING DEAD -- vaya con dios

    Next week, its about to go down.
  5. pricankid9

    THE WALKING DEAD -- vaya con dios

    Next week, its about to go down.
  6. pricankid9

    What Does NT Like?

    memes. iYen.
  7. pricankid9

    Lawmakers debate Jay-Z lyrics on FL House Floor

    faith in the american political system restored... not really.
  8. pricankid9

    I'm going to New York City... Vol. Pops' Birthday

    I'm taking pops to go see a concert at Lehman College on the 24th as his birthday gift.  Any suggestions as to any spots away from Manhattan that I can take him to spend some time in the city and go to eat. We're both really big BBQ fans so any spots that have ribs and sandwiches and such will...
  9. pricankid9

    I just ate 3000 calories in 10 minutes

    ben & jerry's >>> everyday I would this if I could, and krispy kremes were a given I thought
  10. pricankid9

    Do you hate your job NT? vol. what do you do/plan on doing to improve your situation?

    I'll tell you this much bro as someone who works in the field, getting a public service job like a cop or CO takes a TON of time.  Its a hurry up and wait type of deal.  Take every exam you can and don't be afraid to move to where the jobs are.  Its worth it once you get in tho.  I know some...
  11. pricankid9

    What's your Dream Job?

    Man vs. Food... Professional Drummer.
  12. pricankid9

    Draw Something vol. Advance Upon Thee

    1criollo... come at me brethren.
  13. pricankid9

    What generally accepted to be hot celebrity does nothing for you?

    This and after listening to her speak, I pondered what ye was thinking.
  14. pricankid9

    How fast can you run a mile?

  15. pricankid9

    What's your homepage? Vol. I'm tired of Yahoo.

    What you guys have? I was on yahoo but currently have the Huffington Post.
  16. pricankid9

    Posters 25 and up...Drop some lesson's you've learned about life for the younger NTer's

    I'm only twenty but if I may add... Do pull ups, and if you can't do pull ups, do push ups until you can do pull ups. I can't think of too many girls who don't like a man with a broad back. Run. Open the door for everyone. Be polite.
  17. pricankid9

    Posters 25 and up...Drop some lesson's you've learned about life for the younger NTer's

    I'm only twenty but if I may add... Do pull ups, and if you can't do pull ups, do push ups until you can do pull ups. I can't think of too many girls who don't like a man with a broad back. Run. Open the door for everyone. Be polite.
  18. pricankid9

    Protect your privacy from Google... Vol. Yahoo and Cnet coming through.

    Yahoo posted this on how to clear and protect your search history from Google before the big privacy policy change. Handle yo business.
  19. pricankid9

    Post your Twitter Vol. 2012

    1criollo followback shun
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