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  1. islandfeeling

    Me as It/Clown drunk as hell!

    this entire thread has me dying! the noises OP was making in the video were just too much a little scared of this dude tho......
  2. islandfeeling

    Failed a drug screen. What now?

    Yea ive got a lawyer who is in good with the judge thats how I got in this diversion program in the first place... Trust I never thought I would get arrested for my digi. Something about the whole way stuff went down me and my boy were gettin searched didnt seem right but when youve got 4 cops...
  3. islandfeeling

    Failed a drug screen. What now?

    Ive removed myself from being around any drugs from now on. (moved back in with the rents for the time being). Was thinking of going to NA meetings daily to show the judge I AM serious about the program. Do you think it would benefit me any to show him that ive been attending all kinds of...
  4. islandfeeling

    Failed a drug screen. What now?

    I moved to georgia because I transferred schools. My new roommate was a huge pothead always had nuggs and hash around. Stayed strong for weeks but eventually seeing everyone around me smoking made me think that if I played my cards right I could get away with it.  I realize im a !@*!%@% idiot...
  5. islandfeeling

    Failed a drug screen. What now?

    NT, back in November I got arrested in Alabama for drug paraphernalia, it was a digital scale. After going to court they put me on a diversion program requiring me to take 24-hours of drug education classes, attend 4 NA meetings, and have drug screens for 6 months. So, I missed the drug screens...
  6. islandfeeling

    NT If you saw this lying around...

    so you can be standing there if it ends up in the wrong hands? 
  7. islandfeeling

    NT I need help.

    heheheh was trippin on l this weekend this is where you want to be
  8. islandfeeling

    So NT Let Me Tell You About My Night

    haha dont be depressed dude. Talking to dude he seemed more embarrassed that he wasnt really in control of himself. Asking me what happened etc. And its not like a whole group of people were watching, Probably about 10 people telling him to chill the $@%! out. Maybe I told my story wrong haha im...
  9. islandfeeling

    So NT Let Me Tell You About My Night

    I wouldnt say its a known fact that im a *$##! for this haha. Dude seemed embarrassed 15 minutes or so after it happened. His girlfriend was all mad at him for it. So I guess I got punked, sorta. Be the **** pouring beer on someones head or be the one getting embarrased, pick your poison. And I...
  10. islandfeeling

    So NT Let Me Tell You About My Night

    lolz bruh. I aint about to get my *!+ whooped over some drunk $!%!*#$#. What is this highschool?
  11. islandfeeling

    So NT Let Me Tell You About My Night

    So i'm a freshman at an unnamed southern university. Go with my buddy to hang with a few of his frat brothers at an apartment right off from where the bars are at. Probs about 30 people just kickin it drinking beer playing pong same old same old. People head in different directions to do there...
  12. islandfeeling


    why the fuuu is my droid 2 so slow? the only custom things i have done are launcher pro and new icons
  13. islandfeeling


    why the fuuu is my droid 2 so slow? the only custom things i have done are launcher pro and new icons
  14. islandfeeling

    So ,My Cpu gives no signal to my monitor

    i had the same issue with my a new graphics card and its worked perfect since
  15. islandfeeling

    So ,My Cpu gives no signal to my monitor

    i had the same issue with my a new graphics card and its worked perfect since
  16. islandfeeling

    so im goin 2 rehab in a couple days, what was ur experience like?

    do you want to go to rehab? have you tried just controlling yourself? no hate.
  17. islandfeeling

    Photoshop Experts

  18. islandfeeling

    Photoshop Experts

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