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  1. santhony21

    NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

    bud light or miller light is the norm, yuengling isnt bad and i mess with great lakes chistmas ale for the holidays, they go crazy for it here in ohio
  2. santhony21

    So basically white women just look better right? vol. read 1st

    i personally dont care what color a female is, attractive is attractive no matter what color/race she is i just prefer light skinned girls to date though
  3. santhony21

    Jenny Hyun responds to Mayweather's "Lin tweet"

    who cares? racist people always give me a good laugh (im black btw)
  4. santhony21

    Male and Female NTer's opinion needed

    i dont get crazy or blackout drunk so if she wanted me to cut back a bit or just drink with her around id be cool with that, but she couldnt tell me to stop altogether
  5. santhony21

    Keeping the Relationship "Status Quo" Vol. How not to Win the award...

    if she had a quality skill you like then why not be with her? and im sure cooking isnt her only quality "skill" lol..
  6. santhony21

    Songs you didn't know the meaning of until you got older...

    most r kelly back when i was little
  7. santhony21

    is 4'10 too short?

    right..long as shes not built like a kid whats the deal??
  8. santhony21

    is 4'10 too short?

    man height is what u make it, get with a pretty girl whos taller then u and watch em flock...
  9. santhony21

    unlikely attraction: no shame

    maya is kinda sexy, when u said the white->mixed->black, jessica alba came to mind
  10. santhony21

    unlikely attraction: no shame

    the thread is called unlikely attraction....
  11. santhony21

    What are you thoughts on talking to and asking a girl out to coffee or something on FB

    if shes an aquaintance then just do it in person, honestly man no girl wants to mess with a dude who doesnt have enough confidence to get at her face to face. it all goes out the door if u try to ask her out on fb, your chance is way better in person trust me
  12. santhony21


    u live and u die, get over all the unknown BS
  13. santhony21

    how to get over a heartache

    drink a bottle of water, then smoke a blunt, find a new one..honestly
  14. santhony21

    unlikely attraction: no shame

    not my type at all(acts super ratchet), but in a weird way she can get it...
  15. santhony21

    What's for dinner tonight?

    pizza, beer, osu michigan game go blue...
  16. santhony21

    Who doesn't drink alcohol anymore?

    jack daniels single barrel on holidays, patron, rossi paisano and bud light, love em
  17. santhony21

    just found out my wife lurks NT .... not cool with this ......

    i feel like having a twitter/fb account in a relationship is WAY worse than a couple each having NT accounts. fb/twitter is drama from what ive seen but on here its just general convo about diff stuff, not a big deal..
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