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  1. credo

    Does WiFi drain smartphone battery?

    That's because 3G/4G trade off power efficiency for data transfer efficiency.  There is a ton of research in how to make that style of data transfer power effective.
  2. credo

    Anybody have no idea what you're going to become in life?

    It was just random chance for me really.  My job in the Army was communication equipment repair, and I found I both enjoyed doing it and I was good at it.  So I figured might as well go to college and get a job in electronics that pays more than 20k with the extra bonus of not getting shot at...
  3. credo

    Anybody have no idea what you're going to become in life?

    I didn't know what I wanted to do at the end of highschool, so I joined the Army to buy some time and get some money for college should I find something.  Now I'm graduating in Electrical Engineering with emphasis on RF/Microwave engineering, and I've already got a job lined up 
  4. credo

    Just got accepted into Grad. School. Mission: Masters Degree by 24.

    I thought about getting a masters in RF Engineering, but then realized that two more years of school was going to make me chew my throat off.
  5. credo

    If your father became disabled when you were young and can no longer get a job...

    My grandfather took artillery fragments in one him, lost all but one toe to frostbight, and had to have his kneecaps replaced with stainless steel fake ones because he took machine gun fire to his legs.  He came home from the war, worked in an iron foundry for a few years, and then built homes...
  6. credo

    Official E3 2012 Thread - What Do You Want to See?

    Trion Worlds pumping out stuff like crazy And Elder Scrolls online
  7. credo

    Timeline To Terror vol "War Drums For Syria" by Ron Paul pg. 3

    I thought this was common knowledge...
  8. credo

    Wisdom teeth?

    I got one taken out in Iraq with a pair of disinfected pliers from the motorpool with nothing stronger than tylenol to kill the pain.  So that one pretty much sucked, but it got infected and had to come out. The other two I got taken out stateside, nothing really to note.
  9. credo

    An idea I just had about time travel

    Probably a mechanic
  10. credo

    My Weekend Trip to Seattle, WA (100 x PICS RE-UPPED!) 5/18-5/20

    Lets see here, the things that happened the 5 days I spent in total visiting a friend that lived right on the edge of the part of Capitol Hill that's crap: My friend's house hit by stray bullets from a fight across the street Dude got stabbed to death at the end of the street Crack head busted...
  11. credo

    My Weekend Trip to Seattle, WA (100 x PICS RE-UPPED!) 5/18-5/20

    Parts of Capitol Hill are scary once the sun goes down.
  12. credo

    My Weekend Trip to Seattle, WA (100 x PICS RE-UPPED!) 5/18-5/20

    I will never understand what people see in cities that would lead them to say their beautiful. The boonies >> cities.
  13. credo

    Listen if you're sitting at a green light and I HONK at you, dont give me a stupid look ok?

    So going 5 mph over the speed limit means not knowing how to drive, but wanting to go even faster than that means you do?  Okay, Vin.
  14. credo

    The 10 Human Regrets vol. motivational

    The purpose of life is to struggle your way to the grave, die, and be forgotten. Get over it.
  15. credo

    So this chick I know said she won't date a guy who isn't Saved.

    It's only hypocritical if she buys into all the nonsense the church's spew about those things being sinful with nothing to back up the claim of it being sinful.
  16. credo

    ***BLizz Entertainment-----> The World Of Warcraft. StarCraft .Diablo Who Plays ? Nerds Check in***

    If this didn't have forced internet log in I'd buy it in a minute.  I guess Blizzard products can join the list of EA products as things I won't buy.
  17. credo

    Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyone got a site they use to keep up with concerts?  KUFO out of Portland went out of business and now I have no reliable source of concert dates 
  18. credo

    What advice would you give to the teenagers of today?

    Play Russian Roulette with a pistol.
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