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  1. fecta23

    Justin Upton Appreciation Vol. Adam Jones thread tomorrow

    Glove Speed Power Contact Arm
  2. fecta23

    Justin Upton Appreciation Vol. Adam Jones thread tomorrow

    Look at BJ's numbers the last 30+ plus days he is KILLIN it.
  3. fecta23

    NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

    \ I'm a Blazer and watched almost every game this year and Outlaw is garbage. He seriously only does one thing and that is dribble elevate and shoot. Hedoesnt really play D and he doesnt utilize his athleticism. We might as well trade him now before other teams realize this and he loses his Value.
  4. fecta23

    At U of O for camp, anyone have a internet password?

    if my password/user name was used for just that I would give it to you.....but sorry haha.
  5. fecta23

    College Unappreciation

    College is the best time of your life, stay as long as you can.
  6. fecta23

    North Korea Threatens To Wipe Out The United States!

    North Korea is not going to do anything. Kim jong Ill while hella crazy is all about power and control, the second he even thinks (seriously)about launching anuke at America his country would be gone and he would have no power, no control. So what is his motive ? His motive is to try and scare...
  7. fecta23

    Oregon Football unveils NEW UNIFORMS! TONS of Pictures up!

    Oregon has 0 tradition so we have to find a way for us to standout from the other schools. Would I like us to have tradition like USC, Ohio Stetc? Obviously, but until we reach a level where we are constantly going to BCS games we need to be known for something and right now its innovation. The...
  8. fecta23

    Aria Valentino has a great personality!

    Whoever bumped this is dirty
  9. fecta23

    Quick Fantasy Football question....

    Chris Johnson or Calvin IMO. Thats tough though.
  10. fecta23

    Oregon Football unveils NEW UNIFORMS! TONS of Pictures up!

    I see your point but Oregon has just recently (last 10+ years) become consistently good at football so we need something to set us apart from other schools.Plus it REALLY helps with recruiting and gets our name out there.
  11. fecta23

    Remembering the Sega Dreamcast and its loss to PS2 vol. released 10 years ago (9/9/99)

    ^^^ Tokyo Racer? I loved that game man.
  12. fecta23

    Help name the new kitten

  13. fecta23

    _Personality test. please take it!! (i learned a lot)

    this was pretty spot on haha The Executive You are a natural leader - with confidence and strength that inspires others. Driven to succeed, you are alwayslooking for ways to gain, power, knowledge, and expertise. Sometimes you aren't the most considerate person, especially to those who are a bit...
  14. fecta23

    Arrogant Elitist Politicians FTL: "Could you say 'senator' instead of 'ma'am?'"

    Sounds like its a issue with sex and not party. And I understand it actually, the senate is a "old boys club" and I imagine it is hard to get equalrespect as a woman. I highly doubt that that guy meant any disrespect, she was just trying to be seen as an equal.
  15. fecta23

    Murder or Self Defence?

    Murder. No question.
  16. fecta23

    High School Dropout?

  17. fecta23

    Trojan Ecstasy condoms

    I just got them, nothing special and they dont have a reservoir tip which is kinda of weird.
  18. fecta23

    Why do none of the earbud headphones on the market work in both ears?

    This. However, I've been wondering how the Beats buds are. Anyone know?
  19. fecta23

    Yankee fans, The Beatles once said, Come Together... A-Rod Support Thread

    This. I have come to realize that pretty much everyone has done steroids. Also when I think about it, it would have been really hard not to havedone steroids in that/this era when everyone is doing it.
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