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  1. pololax

    So who else is having a hard time finding a job?

    Thanks for the info. So basically to get  a clerance, you have to apply to a federal job first? If they find you are qualified for the job, then they will go through the process of clearing you? I mean I don't have a bad record at all, my neighbors for the most part think highly of me, except...
  2. pololax

    Obama Pres Address On Afghan War Withdrawal

    I was one of the many who voted for Obama and believed he would lead us in the right direction. I believe he has good intentions, and "nation building" at home is most def. the biggest issue our country faces. With that being said, I'll believe it when I see it. I know you can't just pull every...
  3. pololax

    Obama Pres Address On Afghan War Withdrawal

    I was one of the many who voted for Obama and believed he would lead us in the right direction. I believe he has good intentions, and "nation building" at home is most def. the biggest issue our country faces. With that being said, I'll believe it when I see it. I know you can't just pull every...
  4. pololax

    So who else is having a hard time finding a job?

    How do you go about getting said government clearance? Info please.
  5. pololax

    American Dream

    I think it's thought among a lot of people that the Kennedy's ALWAYS had money. It's not true. From my understanding, the Kennedy's were heavy into bootlegging alcohol from Canada during Prohibition, correct? Does this have anything to do with the Mob ties?   
  6. pololax

    American Dream

    I think it's thought among a lot of people that the Kennedy's ALWAYS had money. It's not true. From my understanding, the Kennedy's were heavy into bootlegging alcohol from Canada during Prohibition, correct? Does this have anything to do with the Mob ties?   
  7. pololax

    American Dream

    I think it's thought among a lot of people that the Kennedy's ALWAYS had money. It's not true. From my understanding, the Kennedy's were heavy into bootlegging alcohol from Canada during Prohibition, correct? Does this have anything to do with the Mob ties?   
  8. pololax

    American Dream

    I think it's thought among a lot of people that the Kennedy's ALWAYS had money. It's not true. From my understanding, the Kennedy's were heavy into bootlegging alcohol from Canada during Prohibition, correct? Does this have anything to do with the Mob ties?   
  9. pololax

    American Dream

    I think it's thought among a lot of people that the Kennedy's ALWAYS had money. It's not true. From my understanding, the Kennedy's were heavy into bootlegging alcohol from Canada during Prohibition, correct? Does this have anything to do with the Mob ties?   
  10. pololax

    American Dream

    I think it's thought among a lot of people that the Kennedy's ALWAYS had money. It's not true. From my understanding, the Kennedy's were heavy into bootlegging alcohol from Canada during Prohibition, correct? Does this have anything to do with the Mob ties?   
  11. pololax

    American Dream

    I think it's thought among a lot of people that the Kennedy's ALWAYS had money. It's not true. From my understanding, the Kennedy's were heavy into bootlegging alcohol from Canada during Prohibition, correct? Does this have anything to do with the Mob ties?   
  12. pololax

    American Dream

    I think it's thought among a lot of people that the Kennedy's ALWAYS had money. It's not true. From my understanding, the Kennedy's were heavy into bootlegging alcohol from Canada during Prohibition, correct? Does this have anything to do with the Mob ties?   
  13. pololax

    American Dream

    I think it's thought among a lot of people that the Kennedy's ALWAYS had money. It's not true. From my understanding, the Kennedy's were heavy into bootlegging alcohol from Canada during Prohibition, correct? Does this have anything to do with the Mob ties?   
  14. pololax

    American Dream

    I think it's thought among a lot of people that the Kennedy's ALWAYS had money. It's not true. From my understanding, the Kennedy's were heavy into bootlegging alcohol from Canada during Prohibition, correct? Does this have anything to do with the Mob ties?   
  15. pololax

    American Dream

    I think it's thought among a lot of people that the Kennedy's ALWAYS had money. It's not true. From my understanding, the Kennedy's were heavy into bootlegging alcohol from Canada during Prohibition, correct? Does this have anything to do with the Mob ties?   
  16. pololax

    A personal message to the writers of The Wire [Spoilers inside]

    When Cutty tells Avon "The game ain't in me no more", I think that's one of the greatest scenes in television history. I don't know why, but you see how Cutty changed. You also see how Avon respects him as a man, because it's all something they know they should do, but they can't cause it's all...
  17. pololax

    A personal message to the writers of The Wire [Spoilers inside]

    When Cutty tells Avon "The game ain't in me no more", I think that's one of the greatest scenes in television history. I don't know why, but you see how Cutty changed. You also see how Avon respects him as a man, because it's all something they know they should do, but they can't cause it's all...
  18. pololax

    ~| Official: MMG Thread: Pill Controversy Pg. 48 |~

    I may be very late, but this Meek Millz I'ma Boss has been on repeat like no other...joint is tough.
  19. pololax

    ~| Official: MMG Thread: Pill Controversy Pg. 48 |~

    I may be very late, but this Meek Millz I'ma Boss has been on repeat like no other...joint is tough.
  20. pololax

    Mouthy Teen Shot In Head After Confrontation With Gunmen‎

    Alot of people in here stating why did she mouth off. My question is, why mouth off but more importanly why did these 2 idiots have guns and why were shooting in the air? More people need to speak up to people who act like this, but is just so happens that you can't speak up to a coward and...
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