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  1. ryair max 1

    Top 10 Films That Predicted The Future

    I think its MIB should be up there but it was more talking about the present because aliens do and have lived among us for a while. The only thing that hasn't happened yet is interaction with a hostile extraterrestrial life form...unless that has already happened too? 
  2. ryair max 1

    What lies have panhandlers told you? Do you still give them money? Whats the most you give them?

    I catch a bus in downtown Silver Spring (DC-area) and every so often while I'm waiting, some kids (sometimes what looks as young 4 or 5) come by selling candy or food, but no parent/guardian is in sight. They are lugging these plastic bins, sometimes as big as them, filled with food. They just...
  3. ryair max 1

    Is it Just Me...How do Your Friends Have Fun? (Alcohol)

    We only really use alcohol on weekends or vacation (which is never because we all have different schedules) and my two main friends don't really live the typical young person lifestyle. One has a young son + wife and the other works weekends so there is not much time to actually bro-out, but I...
  4. ryair max 1

    Well this is just inexplicable...

    wut if you arent logged into facebook tho? am i still gonna be arrested?
  5. ryair max 1

    Jimmy Goldstein's House = Next Level Contemporary

    only thing i liked was the bedroom. rest of the place is ugly.
  6. ryair max 1

    Evergreen Aviation Supertanker Market vol. Weather Modification

    so this is how it begins or ends
  7. ryair max 1


    this. that whole goat worshipping, symbolistic everybody is a free mason so they gotta be the devil is just phooey. its real people doing real things in the name of their interests related power and money.
  8. ryair max 1

    Coffee Drinkers Unappreciation Vol. I Hate You

    i drink one cup a morning but you have to eat something with intake. that helps me. the boost to my energy and alertness are worth it though. I agree coffee %!%%! are the worst. hits me on an empty stomach.
  9. ryair max 1

    Bear vs. Bison

    It's the Circle of Life And it moves us all Through despair and hope Through faith and love Till we find our place On the path unwinding In the Circle The Circle of Life
  10. ryair max 1

    Wealth and Health Appreciation Post

    I'm a hefty fella for now (like 210 lbs. right now, need to get down to like 195 lbs.) and broke but I'm not necessarily unhappy. so cheers!
  11. ryair max 1

    Ricky Gervais on god, the Bible and Genesis

    Its the opposite for me. His accent makes me cringe. Just about all English accents make me cringe . But meh on what he was talking about.
  12. ryair max 1

    What's separating you and your dreams? vol. just gotta make it...

    funding for now.  i found my dream job but right now, there is no money for it. sounds cheesy but my dream job was with the Navy (Public Affairs Officer) and I had a very strong application with recommendations from very high ranking officials. then in the last week in January, my recruiter...
  13. ryair max 1

    Do You know how to Touch Type?

    man i suck 32 after adjusted for errors. i remember i got turned down from a temp agency right out of college because I couldn't type fast enough. 
  14. ryair max 1

    What has been your biggest failure or personal let down?

    ouch 1300?! that is crazy. i know that feel though about going somewhere you can't afford. i went to GW and ran up a higher # than I should have. i guess on a good note my loan two payments are manageable for my salary (about $500 a month total, with a 4.5% rate). I had a cosigner though with...
  15. ryair max 1

    What has been your biggest failure or personal let down?

    at the end of the day, its just college. too many people go there and peak and never recover, always talking about it was the time of their lives like they dont have the rest of their lives to make memories. don't regret it. you've been busting your +@! so props.
  16. ryair max 1

    The Official Military Thread. Vol 1

    aint no overdoing for something that can determine what type of job you are shooting for. hell, i hired multiple tutors to try to help me when i took my retake for the Officer Aptitude Rating math portion of the ASTB.  i say study your %*@ off.
  17. ryair max 1

    If we Were to Make Contact with an E.T. .....

    then why would they come here? really think aliens be on some "each one teach one" steez?...i can understand natural curiosities but if they wanted to be on some "benevolent, let me show you some cool stuff" steez, they would have done it by now and if they already did, humans more than...
  18. ryair max 1

    I hate when ppl selling say..

    when people say that alien contact would be with a species that are too intelligent/enlightened/advanced for conflict. just because a species has mastered space flight/other technologies doesn't mean they don't have the capability and determination to blow +%*+ up. 
  19. ryair max 1

    If we Were to Make Contact with an E.T. .....

    i agree most are indifferent. they fly right by Earth not giving dambs about us because they know how !$!+*% up we have made things down here. thats why i said it would serve them no purpose to holla at us.
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