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  1. jonathan801

    Confirmed XX3 *edited*

    my dumb*%#+ did it
  2. jonathan801

    What do yall think of these OG Sport Blue 6s....

    Well, I doubt I wear them anytime soon....I may walk around in the house with them and see what happens. I painted them when I got them and they've justbeen sitting in the box ever since. I've gotten a few PMs from people interested in these. I have no price so you can just make me an offer...
  3. jonathan801

    What do yall think of these OG Sport Blue 6s....

    the lighting is bad in those pictures...I didnt turn off the light on my desk. Im bout to go watch the fight though so I might take more pics tomorrow
  4. jonathan801

    What do yall think of these OG Sport Blue 6s....

    here you go....I only painted the white on the midsole..I didnt touch the blue, I was more impressed by the soles edit...I guess I should tag those
  5. jonathan801

    What do yall think of these OG Sport Blue 6s....

    I called them OG because 6's have been retroed and these came out as far as I'm concerned and whether you like it or not they are OGcause they came out with the other OGs................BUT OGfiend yea you're correct I did paint the white on the midsole and there are slight...
  6. jonathan801

    What do yall think of these OG Sport Blue 6s....

    what forum should this go in??? Jordan Brand??? Mods can you move this to Jordan Brand... and malumouse......go sit in the corner
  7. jonathan801

    What do yall think of these OG Sport Blue 6s....

    Ok, I'm not sure where to post this...I've had these for about 3 friend gave them to me to paint the midsole (just the white part) I donteven thinks he wants them....but anyway they're my size (9) so I COULD wear them but dont really care much could these sell for...and if...
  8. jonathan801

    "First of all, I wanna thank my connect..."

    lol I'm my connect....gotta get all my shoes the old fashioned way...line up, pay and leave.....if anyone wants to hook me up feel free to PM me
  9. jonathan801

    What kind of system can I get for under $1000

    are you serious??? LMAO if you cant get a system for a stack, there's a problem...
  10. jonathan801

    ...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

    Whats this PIN thing??? LOL I've had the BB Curve for ATT about 2 months and have no idea about this PIN thing.... "They say when you play with skill, good luck will happen"
  11. jonathan801

    ...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

    loonyrobert...if you have cingular/att there's no need to buy AIM they have a free version. The only downside to it is that you cant edit/view away messages. atleast I havent figured it out yet.... "They say when you play with skill, good luck will happen"
  12. jonathan801

    Whats Tabi Bonney doin that Wale isnt??

    yea i didnt mean it as a diss in any I said I like both artists, and I know Wale is definitely puttin in work and has a fanbase, as a matter offact I see Wale's name mentioned on more hip hop sites then Tabi Bonney. What actually brought this on was that I saw the youtube of the...
  13. jonathan801

    Whats Tabi Bonney doin that Wale isnt??

    Not to say that more people know about Tabi Bonney....but whats he doin to get his videos on MTV Jams? I thought that last night when I saw the video for CiseIt last night on there and then just now on allhiphop they got like 5 of his songs in Breeding Ground.....It seems to me like Wale is more...
  14. jonathan801

    TO ALL you Guys who "Buy One to Stock" & Sell

    lol you really brought this out from the abyss
  15. jonathan801

    Can I be fired for this?

    lol sounds like you did your job to me
  16. jonathan801

    simple question regarding retro 15.

    yea just log in arounhd midnight and keep clicking refresh until they pop up.....I never understood how people had such a hard time with nubucks either....I got a pair with no problem and it was almost a month after they came out. I had a voucher and couldnt decide between those and some...
  17. jonathan801

    Confirmed XX3 *edited*

    LLLOOOOLLLL the last 4 posts are hilarious "They say when you play with skill, good luck will happen"
  18. jonathan801

    Confirmed XX3 *edited*

    MANNNN lol this is what everyone's been waiting for.....the one thing I can say about them is that I had a similar feeling the first time I saw the 20s....and they turned out great...cant wait to see a color pic.....LMAO not that it matters Im getting a pair regardless, I', not bout to have 1-22...
  19. jonathan801

    Confirmed XX3 *edited*

    They remind me of several pairs of Jordans....... "They say when you play with skill, good luck will happen"
  20. jonathan801

    republic gardens gets evicted :: pics

    damn i wonder if the stuff is still out there....something tells me to drive by there when i get off work 8o "They say when you play with skill, good luck will happen"
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