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  1. liban906

    2012 OFFICIAL NBA Fantasy Basketball Thread

    Yeah with that 20/20 hindsight it wasn't a smart idea to draft Love. The hand injury didn't seem so major at the time with that 4-6 time table and hand injuries aren't like knee injuries that will severely affect the player's performance. I guess I was hoping for Love to be like Kobe and play...
  2. liban906

    2012 OFFICIAL NBA Fantasy Basketball Thread

    First Love goes down now Varejao isn't coming back. There goes my chances at winning this year :(
  3. liban906

    2012 OFFICIAL NBA Fantasy Basketball Thread

    Now that Scott Skiles is gone, is it worth it to pick up Dunleavy? The only player that's droppable on my team at this point is Jason Terry. Jet's been hurting my team lately but I just can't see myself dropping him for dunleavy
  4. liban906

    the thread about nothing...

    Now that shows are starting to come back on air from their winter break, I've always wondered why most shows have a break around the holiday season. I mean the holiday season is the time of the year most people are off work/school and have time to sit around on the couch with family watching TV...
  5. liban906

    2012 OFFICIAL NBA Fantasy Basketball Thread

    what do you guys think about Kemba for Horford straight up? I have Kemba and would be receiving Horford. I'm in a 12 team league and have Love and Varejao but with andy dealing with injuries and Love out with his hands for the foreseeable future, I really need to do something about the boards...
  6. liban906


    Been lurking since late 03/early 04 so I'm a few months off but signed up in 06 just to respond to some stupid comment made by some notorious dude named "pac" something who used to troll the music forums back in the days :lol :lol
  7. liban906

    2012 OFFICIAL NBA Fantasy Basketball Thread

    Just offered Love and Kemba for Harden and Thaddeus Young and hopefully it goes through. Love's my dude but I'm beyond frustrated with him right now. My team is fluctuating in the top 5 but with Nash, Varejao, Melo and Love, I just can't take that 1st place spot with all these injuries. I was...
  8. liban906

    The Simpsons Tapped Out....!!!!

    Is SLH even worth the 1500 coins? I'm at 1410 right now and could cop by the end of the day but I'm thinking about saying eff it and just ball out on the mystery stockings :lol
  9. liban906

    2012 OFFICIAL NBA Fantasy Basketball Thread

    I'm in a 12 team league and Humphries and Bradley are both available. I have one spot open where I pick up from FA for match ups and Shannon Brown is currently sitting in that spot. He's been doing decent the last few games but he put up 0 in almost everything yesterday. Should I drop him for...
  10. liban906

    The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

    Has anyone watched Vampire Diaries? :lol I'm looking for a new series to get into. I watched the first episode and it was :rolleyes so I wanna know if its worth watching a few more to get into it
  11. liban906

    "CAUGHT ON TAPE" TRAILER 2013 vol. already a front runner for the oscars

    :rollin :rollin :rollin I think it is another hip hopera
  12. liban906

    Cliff Paul... Born to Assist...

    If you got hate in your heart, let it out
  13. liban906

    Cliff Paul... Born to Assist...

  14. liban906

    Phone Rings (my invention)... Updates on page 20

    OP just to give you a heads up, your patent application is guaranteed to to get rejected. I worked at a firm that handled a lot of patent stuff and the one thing I learned is that if there's even one slight chance that a part of your product could be infringing on another patent, then they...
  15. liban906

    ..:: Today Was A Good Day ::..

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