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  1. usafant

    Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

    I hope this is a work and Vince starts off Raw and just buries Rock to the fans and has the fans turn on him and he comes back in a few months as a heel on some Hollywood Rock 2.0 stuff being that he is a bigger star now....but nah that was me just putting on my creative hat for a min :lol . I...
  2. usafant

    Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

    Why they acting like they sending Rock off when he gone be at Extreme Rules....
  3. usafant

    Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

    :{:{:{:{:{:{:{ I don't think I used to be a fan of a wrestler and hate one as much as HHH now.
  4. usafant

    Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

    Should have put the tag team match before this....crowd seem wore out from Punk/Taker.
  5. usafant

    Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

    Just wanna see Brock kill legit kill.
  6. usafant

    Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

    Ziggler cashing in would just get overshadowed tonight......hope Taker wins just so I don't have to hear marks if Punk wins.
  7. usafant

    Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

    Fandango was in the wrong position for that lionsault.
  8. usafant

    Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

    Don't see why they can't put the pre show on the PPV channel too.
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