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  1. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    OSU would be up by two TDs with JT Barrett
  2. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    They've been doing that forever. It used to be big white dudes who did it though. I hate it either way. Too young thug-ish. What a throw, if Ohio state can consistently get past their dbs with Jones arm it's all bad.
  3. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    Lmao yea I'm from Cali I have no idea how midwest allegiances go but I'm rooting for anyone playing Bama.
  4. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    Aaaaaaaaand here we go. Hopefully the Buckeyes think nothing of it and continue to do what they have done.
  5. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    Bama getting the luckiest breaks smh. Come on Buckeyes do it for the Midwest.
  6. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    Cowboys fans go to all games but their own lol. Pretty sure the 49ers are going to have the same problem soon. That punt was nice and that hit was better
  7. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    I think Cowboys fans are everywhere, but I def give props to these Ohio State fans for traveling as well as they have. They're almost up there with Notre Dame fans.
  8. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    This crowd definitely sounds pro Buckeyes. Which I didn't expect but I guess those Ohio state fans travel better than I gave them credit for.
  9. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    That catch was almost Beckham like
  10. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    The stadium look pro ohiostate or pro Bama? Or 50-50?
  11. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    I just realized I bet 10 dollars on Ohio State. Ohio State about to get rolled.
  12. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    This just isn't right without Brent Musberger. Can we get a petition to bring him back?
  13. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    Indeed but he needs to be on his best behavior especially as a black QB. They'll be quick to tear him down
  14. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    PayPal bet? $1
  15. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    Why are they talking like Jameis is already gone? I don't think he's ready to give up baseball yet. He'll be back for another year. Marriota is a good college system QB...don't see him translating to the NFL at all, but I'm not a scout so I may be wrong.
  16. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    He's not. I think Jameis is better but the supporting cast for Jameis just isn't there. It's all good though, Jameis already got his plus he's coming back for another year to get that degree.
  17. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    Sorry Seminole fans, but maybe this is karma for screwing Notre Dame. Overall, Jameis didn't play bad. That running back kinda screwed his chances and his receivers didn't help much either.
  18. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    Jamie Dukes?........I'm rooting for Oregon now
  19. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    MSU setting the stage for Ohio State over Bama
  20. mc2gold

    2015 College Football Thread is now closed

    Hold up...what happened in the Baylor game? I was elsewhere and now it's 42-41 with 17 seconds
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