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  1. spaceman45

    ****Official ROCK Music .. What are you listening to??****

    ^ go figure. haha. freaking SOCO is perfect for that ishh. :lol right now: xBISHOPx "eat @#%$" 8) TeamS.Carolina What's a sneaker boutique?same dude, different name: spaceman23[center]myspace!
  2. spaceman45

    ****Official ROCK Music .. What are you listening to??****

    FLiP SeNsAyShUn :lol :hat TeamS.Carolina What's a sneaker boutique?same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23[center]myspace!
  3. spaceman45

    ****Official ROCK Music .. What are you listening to??****

    i notice a lot of "john mayor", "interpol", and "red hot chili peppers" type rock. and i was just curious: does anyone on here listen to anything hard?...and possibly more underground? subgenres that i listen to: death metal, metal, metalcore, grindcore, noisecore(e-grind), experimental metal...
  4. spaceman45

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    man, i'm pretty bored and i'm going through some old band shots (you know, cause i'm lazy and haven't gone out to take any new shots lately :lol ) so i figured i'd share a few more with you. friend J.P, from uppercut! (i wish i got his other hand in, and i wish that giant arm wouldn't have...
  5. spaceman45

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    ebayologist :lol :D TeamS.Carolina What's a sneaker boutique?same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23[center]myspace!
  6. spaceman45

    ****Official ROCK Music .. What are you listening to??****

    right now? "brocore" by SHARKPUNCH. nice straight edge hardcore for ya. ;) TeamS.Carolina What's a sneaker boutique?same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23[center]myspace!
  7. spaceman45

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    ^ :lol nice, man. i like the third one the best. so, is anyone actually up for a TEAM PHOTOGRAPHY, or whatever? 8) TeamS.Carolina What's a sneaker boutique?same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23[center]myspace!
  8. spaceman45

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    call me a nerd, but anyone up for starting up some sort of "photography" team or something? :lol TeamS.Carolina What's a sneaker boutique?same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23[center]myspace!
  9. spaceman45

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    thanks a lot j2o :o :lol TeamS.Carolina What's a sneaker boutique?same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23[center]myspace!
  10. spaceman45

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    so, i finally stopped being lazy and picked a few photos to share with you guys. all of these are kind of old, cause i haven't gone out to shoot a lot lately. uhm, all are shot with an Olympus Evolt e-500. btw, i do a lot of band photography, so i thought i'd throw in a few picks from a Vanna...
  11. spaceman45

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    this thing definitely needs a *bump* TeamS.Carolina What's a sneaker boutique? same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23 myspace!
  12. spaceman45

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    uhm, i don't know quite how to explain it. i guess i like the shots where the city is all lit up and it's night time. or just...idk, anything shot at night, i guess. gah, i'm no help. :lol TeamS.Carolina What's a sneaker boutique?same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23[center]myspace!
  13. spaceman45

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    oh dear. i have yet another question to ask you guys. i hope i'm not being a pain. but uhm, i have an Olympus Evolt E-500 w/ ext. flash. i don't know if that matters, but basically: i would like to know how to take night shots like some that i've seen in here? Everytime i try to take night...
  14. spaceman45

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    ^ word. thanks a lot, ebayologist. lots of help. for some reason, i thought that if i turned to low iso, that the pictures might be blurry. but i guess not, if i stay still. haha aaand nawh, i have a seperate portrait setting on here. so, i guess that'll be a photography thread mystery. :lol...
  15. spaceman45

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    hey guys, i absolutely love this thread. probably one of my favorites. everyone has amazing pictures. i do have a quick question though: i must admit, i recently began not shooting in auto. :o :lol trying to figure out just how to use all of the different settings on my camera and stuff. so...
  16. spaceman45


    wow. those are pretty amazing, i must say. and i quite enjoy the metal lace holes. nice touch, sir. TeamS.Carolina What's a sneaker boutique? same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23 myspace!
  17. spaceman45

    SHOES x TOYS ...

    i'll play. all of my toys are boxed up. i found these in the top of my closet. :lol TeamS.Carolina What's a sneaker boutique?same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23[center]myspace!
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