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  1. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    Yeah definitely be nice. Don't be like "dammit they're on the site! check! order now!" Please and thank you may get you a little extra attention. Haha I got a male CS too. He was really cool about it and thought it was sold out initially, but took the time to check when I told him about the...
  2. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    Might be a wrap. Been going on for almost an hour now. GS might still be available.
  3. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    Yes. Chances slimmer now, but worth a shot: ====================================== Cheat sheet for trying EB: Phone: 1-800-826-2205 Press 1 after you hear automatic recording to initiate "ordering." SKU: 55088007 If they say it sold out, tell them it's on their site. If they insist, hang...
  4. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    Try again. Either your size is sold out or they got so many calls during the weekend that they're programmed to say that. It is on the site, but chances probably slimmer now.
  5. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    Didn't charge me shipping according to the order confirm.
  6. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

  7. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    Yeah. I'm not holding too much hope either, but might as well try.
  8. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    Never asked me for my email address. I already have an account with them. They just needed my phone number and then verified shipping/billing. All my details are current in my account.
  9. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    I actually tried calling really early this morning like back in the day, no-go. They said if it's not on the site, they can't do anything. But been refreshing their site all day and it's up so no excuses lol.
  10. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    If the reps tell you OOS, maybe try calling again and get another rep. Sometimes they're just lazy. Doesn't hurt to try if you've been waiting on a restock.
  11. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    Quote: Instant, but it's backordered so your card probably won't be charged, so be aware of that looming charge in the next few days.
  12. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    You tried calling?
  13. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    They also might have GS available, it's on the site: Product code for GS: 75441007
  14. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    Cheat sheet for trying EB: Phone: 1-800-826-2205 Press 1 after you hear automatic recording to initiate "ordering." SKU: 55088007 If they say it sold out, tell them it's on their site.
  15. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    Just placed an order for Size 11 with Eastbay. Try and call customer service. They said it's backordered, but we'll see if it ships.
  16. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    SNS pair finally shipped. 30 minutes of CAPTCHA...was worth it.
  17. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    Oh my bad. Misread.
  18. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    There were comparison pics in the AJKO Sport Blue thread that the OG's are a brighter blue, not a darker purple.
  19. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    NVM. Misread post. Agreed it's bad.
  20. lobol

    Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

    ONCE AGAIN FOR THOSE WHO ARE TRYING SP: 1) Refresh every 2 minutes. If it lets you through, it will add to your cart automatically. 2) I do not know what happens if you refresh less than 2 minutes, but I got through on Royals and Top 3 by patiently refreshing for 1-3 hrs 3) If you get stuck...
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