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  1. weflyhigh23

    Serious Topic - Are there any Sex Offenders on NT?

    but I just wanted to play "Put your left foot in, put your right hand out" and then she said " now do the hokey pokey " and when i turnedmyself around pigs smh
  2. weflyhigh23

    Saudi Arabia: Ban All Things Red For Valentines's Day

    Recently, from reading various stuff over the past few months, I have come to the conclusion that the UAE and Saudi Arabia just suck (for us Americans atleast. HUGE conflicts of intrest).
  3. weflyhigh23

    real talk: chances of living? no clowning!

    Yo..sorry to hear that My prayers are with you...I know what its like losing a cousin (only death in my family I remember, messed me up real bad)
  4. weflyhigh23

    The Obama Attacks Are Starting... Get Ready... Stay Strong

    ^Fede, I'd like to contribute to what you said. I don't like Fox either. I don't see how anyone in their right mind could actually stand Fox(O'Reilly actually claimed there are no homeless war vets, for god's sake [amongst a million other examples]) How many times has Fox twisteddiscussion...
  5. weflyhigh23

    Barack Obama Sig/Avatar, Check.

    ^ Yeah and he's being realistic. Everyone is always using that against him...why? Because he's being honest? Taxes need to be raised to patch the holesin the hull of this war mongering battleship that is now run by the ambition of the military industrial complex
  6. weflyhigh23

    Cant decide which college to go to

    University Park? Go with PSU.
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