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  1. aksuited

    Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

    Yeah. Pretty much I found the shoe for cheaper two minutes later after I placed the order with size. I tried to cancel my order. I emailed BOTH of their customer service emails and got NO reply. After 24 hours I noticed my money still hadn't been returned to my paypal account, nor had they...
  2. aksuited

    Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

    good luck with that. I ordered from them once and tried to cancel. It's impossible. I ended up cancelling my order through putting a stop order with paypal. They shipped the shoes anyway because they are totally unorganized. I ended up getting the shoes for free because I wasn't about to spend...
  3. aksuited

    Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

    after shipping its like 220. If u get hit with customs, you're looking at 250-260. AND they ship their shoes in a bag, just the shoes, in the shoebox, in a bag. No double box. And they ship it all over Europe beating that box up until it hits the air for the US. 
  4. aksuited

    Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

    Already well over 500 pages....jesus
  5. aksuited

    Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

    ha ha, that little crocker idiot got banned
  6. aksuited

    Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

    WHat are you talking about
  7. aksuited

    Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

    What's the price there....seems like 220 before shipping? So probably like 240 ish?
  8. aksuited


    So did we ever get any real evidence against weekenddrop? It's too difficult trying to follow the infrared 6 thread when its jumps 3 pages every 2 hours.
  9. aksuited

    Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

    I won the raffle at Champs for both the Sport Blue 6s and these black infrareds. I will FOR SURE be comparing the black papers. I will also be comparing all other aspects of the shoe and packaging.
  10. aksuited

    Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

    so if a person doesn't wear skin tight jeans pinrolled 2 inches above their ankles, its NT denim now? lol.
  11. aksuited

    NT Runners and Running Gear Thread

    Woah, I'd never think to run in chukkas. Aren't they way too bulky for that? And that chunky midsole? Don't you ave any better options for running in?
  12. aksuited

    Dwight Howard being accused of messing with a youngn vol. It's a Trap

    Yeah, i forget who it is....but it was a huge suspension...something like 24 games i think. If Dwight Howard gets convicted, I think it should cost him his season. Beating your 6 year old with a belt buckle leaving bruising and lacerations. Hell nah, I'm not cool with that. Even using his hand...
  13. aksuited

    Sunglasses Etiquette

    It is DEF looked at as douchey to wear shades indoors, especially if it's night time. Listen to what ladies say when they see a dude indoors wearing shades. It's hilarious. Girls ruthlessly **** on dudes wearing sunglasses in the bar. It's hilarious. That being said, it's acceptable if you have...
  14. aksuited

    Michael Phelps Girlfriend admits she was born a Male ..... Whoa ....

    Oh man, can't believe y'all did my man Zyzz dirty like that. Did you just say he went from GM sneakers, to GM yambs? I'm dead.
  15. aksuited

    Dwight Howard being accused of messing with a youngn vol. It's a Trap

    Woah woah woah, there's pics? Gotta link or something? I wanna see how bad DH12 effed up. After this incident, I officially hate him as a human being, not just as a basketball player.
  16. aksuited

    Dwight Howard being accused of messing with a youngn vol. It's a Trap

    I agree with you. To a certain age. I don't agree with hitting your children when they are old enough to be reasoned with and punished in other ways that convey the lesson as well, or better.  But when they are very young, sure.  There def shouldn't be any bruising of any left behind though. 
  17. aksuited

    Dwight Howard being accused of messing with a youngn vol. It's a Trap

    No, I thought you meant Howard. You quoted me, then said "normal spanking is child abouse now?" No one with a brain would've read what you typed, after quoting me, and thought you were referring to spanking in general. 
  18. aksuited

    Dwight Howard being accused of messing with a youngn vol. It's a Trap

    LOL so in your world, whipping a child with the buckle end of a belt, leaving lacerations and bruising, is normal spanking? 
  19. aksuited

    Dwight Howard being accused of messing with a youngn vol. It's a Trap

    In more recent news, the child abuse case against Howard, involving his son, has been re opened. New evidence emerging. Maybe he really is a bigger piece of **** than we thought.
  20. aksuited

    Michael Phelps Girlfriend admits she was born a Male ..... Whoa ....

    Im gonna go with suck at reading. Wow at people believing this. Only on of the gullible and naive.
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