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  1. bella diva

    The Official "Tiger Woods Keeps That White Girl" Thread

    Infidelity clauses are nothing new Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen have them in their prenups.
  2. bella diva

    The Official "Tiger Woods Keeps That White Girl" Thread

    If she does not trust him why marry him again? The foundation of any marriage or real relationship is first and foremost trust.
  3. bella diva

    The Official "Tiger Woods Keeps That White Girl" Thread

    Then what is he paying for.
  4. bella diva

    The Official "Tiger Woods Keeps That White Girl" Thread

    If she does not trust him why is she marrying him? IF this story is true and I doubt it's true she is only coming back for the money and  only the money not because she wants her family back together. Signing and anti cheating clause does not ensure he won't cheat and it sure as heck don't...
  5. bella diva

    The Official "Tiger Woods Keeps That White Girl" Thread

    If it's real love then why is money required? I think that's the point some of you are missing.  
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